редовни професор

др Стеван Савић


Кратка биографија:

Титула, име и презиме: др Стеван Савић.

Датум и место родења: 28.05.1979. Сомбор

Докторска дисертација: Kретање екстремних температура ваздуха на подручју Војводине у периоду 1951-2000; одбрањена 2009.; Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет


тел: +381 21 485 2833 |

емаил: stevan.savic@dgt.uns.ac.rs


Среда од 10 до 12ч
Петак од 10 до 12ч

Сва звања:

  • Редовни професор; од 2020.; Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет,
  • Ванредни професор; од 2015 – 2019.; Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет
  • Доцент; од 2010. до 2014.; Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет,
  • Асистент; од 2007. до 2009.; Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет,
  • Сарадник у настави; од 2005. до 2007.; Универзитет у Новом Саду, Природно-математички факултет
  • Истраживач на пројекту; од 2003. до 2005.; Географски институт “Јован Цвијић” Српске академије наука и уметности, Београд

Област научног истраживања

  • Геонауке – клима градова, урбано острво топлоте, спољашњи термални комфор, температурни ризици, животна средина градова


  • Основне – Глобалне климатске промене
  • Основне – Географија природних разноликости Војводине II
  • Основне – Kлиматологија и педологија (Департман за биологију и екологију)
  • Основне – Kвантитативне методе у гео-наукама
  • Основне – Kлиматолошко-хидролошки геоутицаји
  • Основне – Становништво и климатске промене
  • Мастер – Примењена климатологија
  • Докторске – Урбана клима и одрживи градови
  • Докторске – Kлиматске промене и хидролошки хазарди

Остале важне информације

Страни језици: енглески

Чланство у организацијама:

  • International Association for Urban Climate – IAUC
  • International Society of Biometeorology – ISB
  • European Geosciences Union – EGU

Одабрани пројекти:

  1. IPA projekat: Evaluations and public display of URBAN PATterns of Human thermal contidions – URBAN-PATH (ID: HUSRB/1203/122/166), 2013. – 2014.
  2. IPA HUSRB projekat:  Monitoring, forecasting and development of online public early warning system for extreme precipitations and pluvial floods in urban areas in the Hungarian-Serbian cross-border region – URBAN-PREX (ID: HUSRB/1602/11/0097), 2017. – 2019.
  3. IPA CROSRB projekat: Greening the cities – Development and promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable urban environment in the cities of Croatia-Serbia cross-border region – GReENERGY (ID: HR-RS290), 2019 – 2022.
  4. Research on Extreme Heat in Serbia – Global Disaster PreparednessCenter; American Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre; Global Heat Health Information Network, May-October 2022.
  5. IPA CROSRB projekat: Greening the cities 2.0 – Development and promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable urban environment in the cities of Croatia-Serbia cross-border region – GReENERGY 2.0 (ID: HR-RS412), February-October 2023.
  6. Water demand of Vertical Greening Systems mitigating Urban Heat Islands, Serbian-Austrian bilateral project proposal for period 2022-2024.
  7. COST Action: FIAR NEtwork of micrometeorological measurements – FAIRNESS, no. CA20108, 2021-2025.
  8. Improving the environment in Vojvodina in order to adapt to climate change and reduce the risk of natural disasters(no.142-451-3485/2023-01, project financed by Government of Autonomous Provinces of Vojvodina) 2021-2024.

Усавршавања у иностранству:

  • ERASMUS+ exchange program: Ruhr University Bochum, Institute of Geography (Bochum, Germany); 2023
  • ERASMUS+ exchange program: Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography (Olomouc, Czech Republic); 2018 and 2021
  • ERASMUS+ exchange program: University of Szeged, Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology (Szeged, Hungary); 2018
  • ERASMUS+ exchange program: Masaryk University, Department of Geography (Brno, Czech Republic); 2017
  • CEEPUS exchange program: Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia; 2012
  • Erasmus Mundus – JoinEU-SEE exchange program: Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz, Austria; 2010

Рецензент у часописима:

  • Acta Geographica Slovenica
  • Building and Environment
  • Cities
  • Ecological Indicators
  • Environment International
  • Environment Monitoring and Assessment
  • Environmental Research Letters
  • Geographica Pannonica
  • Geoscientific Model Development
  • Geo-spatial Information Science
  • GIScience and Remote Sensing
  • Heliyon
  • Idojaras
  • International Journal of Biometeorology
  • International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
  • International Journal of Climatology
  • International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • International Journal of Green Energy
  • ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
  • Journal of Building Engineering
  • Land
  • Landscape and Urban Planning
  • Natural Hazards
  • Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
  • Pure and Applied Geophysic
  • Science of the Total Environment
  • Sensors
  • Spatial Information Research
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable Cities and Society
  • Thermal Science
  • Urban Climate
  • Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
  • Water
  • Zbornik radova (GI Jovan Cvijic)
  • Acta Climatologica
  • Civil Engineering
  • Environment and Natural Resources
  • Green building & Construction Economics
  • Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
  • International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Meteorology
  • Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal

Одабране референце

  1. Savić, S., Šećerov, I., Lalić, B., Nie, D., Roantree, M. 2023. Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Datasets from an Urban Meteorological Network in the City Area of Novi Sad (Serbia). Data in Brief 49, 109425. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109425
  2. Savić, S., Arsenović, D., Lužanin, Z., Milošević, D., Dunjić, J., Šećerov, I., Kojić, M., Radić, I., Harhaji, S., Arsić, M. 2023. Hospital admission tendencies caused byday-to-day temperature changes during summer: a case study for the city of Novi Sad (Serbia). International Journal of Biometeorology 67, 695-704. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-023-02447-x
  3. Savić, S., Bjelić, M., Šumarac Pavlović, D., Milošević, D., Dunjić, J., Lazić, L., Žarković, M., Miljković, T. 2022. Urbanization trends in the 21st century – a driver for negative climate, noise and air quality impacts on urban population. Geographica Pannonica 26/4, 396-405. doi:10.5937/gp26-41319
  4. Savić, S., Trbić, G., Milošević, D., Dunjić, J., Ivanišević, M., Marković, M. 2022. Importance of assessing outdoor thermal comfort and its use in urban adaptation strategies: a casestudy of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Theoretical and Applied Climatology 150, 1425-1441. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04237-8
  5. Milošević, D., Savić, S., Kresoja, M., Lužanin, Z., Šećerov, I., Arsenović, D., Dunjić, J., Matzarakis, A. 2022. Analysis of air temperature dynamics in the ‘local climate zones’ of Novi Sad (Serbia) based on long-term database from an urban meteorological network. International Journal of Biometeorology 66, 371-384. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-020-02058-w
  6. Milošević, D., Middel, A., Savić, S., Dunjić, J., Lau, K., Stojsavljević, R. 2022. Mask wearing behavior in hot urban spaces of Novi Sad during the COVID-19 pandemic. Science of the Total Environment 815, 152782. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152782
  7. Dunjić, J., Milošević, D., Kojić, M., Savić, S., Lužanin, Z., Šećerov, I., Arsenović, D. 2021. Air humidity characteristics in “local climate zones” of Novi Sad (Serbia) based on long-term data. International Journal of Geo-Information 10/12, 810. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10120810
  8. Lehnert, M., Savić, S., Milošević, D., Dunjić, J., Geletič, J. 2021. Mapping Local Climate Zones and their applications in European urban environments: A systematic literature review and future development trends. International Journal of Geo-Information 10/4, 260. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi10040260
  9. Top, S., Milošević, D., Caluwaerts, S., Hamdi, R., Savić, S. 2020. Intra-urban differences of outdoor thermal comfort in Ghent on seasonal level and during record-breaking 2019 heat wave. Building and Environment 185, 107103. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107103
  10. Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Savić, S., Milošević, D. 2019. Inter-/intra-zonal seasonal variability of the Surface Urban Heat Island based on Local Climate Zones in three Central European Cities. Building and Environment, 156: 21-32. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.04.011
  11. Šećerov, I., Savić, S., Milošević, D., Arsenović, D., Dolinaj, D., Popov, S. 2019. Progressing urban climate research using a high-density monitoring network system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191: 89 article. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-019-7210-0
  12. Savić, S., Marković, V., Šećerov, I., Pavić, D., Arsenović, D., Milošević, D., Dolinaj, D., Nagy, I., Pantelić, I. 2018. Heat wave risk assessment and mapping in urban areas: case study for a midsized Central European city, Novi Sad (Serbia). Natural Hazards, 91, 3: 891-911. doi:10.1007/s11069-017-3160-4
  13. Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Savić, S., Milošević, D. 2018. Modelled spatiotemporal variability of outdoor thermal comfort in local climate zones of the city of Brno, Czech Republic. Science of the Total Environment, 624: 385-395. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.076
  14. Milošević, D., Bajšanski, I., Savić, S. 2017. Influence of changing trees locations on thermal comfort on street parking lot and footways. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 23: 113-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2017.03.011
  15. Bajšanski, I., Milošević, D., Savić, S. 2015. Evaluation and improvement of outdoor thermal comfort in urban areas on extreme temperature days: Applications of automatic algorithms. Building and Environment, 94: 632-643. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2015.10.019
  16. Unger, J., Savić, S., Gál, T. 2011. Modelling of the Annual Mean Urban Heat Island Pattern for Planning of Representative Urban Climate Station Network. Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2011, Article ID 398613, 9 pages. doi:10.1155/2011/398613