Vanredni profesor

dr Milosava Matejević

Kratka biografija:

Datum i mesto rođenja: 26.04.1983. Smederevo
Diplomirala je 2006. godine, a doktorsku disertaciju odbranila je 2016. pod nazivom “Kinološki aspekti lovnog turizma u Srbiji”.


Tel: +381 21-485-2786 | email:
Termini konsultacija: Utorak 10-12h i četvrtak 10-12h u kabinetu 17 na II spratu


  • 2007 – 2013. – istraživač pripravnik na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu
  • 2015 – 2016 – asistent na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu
  • 2016 – 2022 – доцент, Природно-математички факултетс, Универзитет у Новом Саду,
  • 2022 – ванредни професор, Природно-математички факултетс, Универзитет у Новом Саду

Oblast naučnog istraživanja:

  • Lovni turizam
  • Turizam


  • Lovnoturistička delatnost
  • Lovna kinologija
  • Terenska nastava III
  • Lovnoturističke manifestacije
  • Etika u lovnom turizmu
  • Lovačko oružije, municija i balistika

Ostale važne informacije

  • Strani jezici: engleski


  1. Razvoj obrazovanja u vezi sa uticajem aktuelnih klimatskih promena na lovni turizam (HUNTOUR), KA203-4DF65F81 ( Erazmus+ KA 203 – Strateško partnerstvo za visoko obrazovanje),
  2. Studija izvodljivosti za Projekat reintrodukcije evropskog jelena u Nacionalni park “Fruška gora”, 2009-2010. god. (Ugovor pod br. 134 od 1.12.2008. zaključen između PMF-a i N.P. Fruška gora)
  3. Digitalizacija karte Vojvodine TK25, Departman za geografiju turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad (2007)

Odabrane reference

  1. Matejevic, M (2017). Canine Events As A Segment Of Tourism Offer, Turizam, 21 (3): 132-138, Doi.5937/Turizam21-16112
  2. Matejevic, M., Ristic, Z., Marković, V. (2019). Serbian hunting dog competition as a part of tourism offer, Abstract Book, Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality 2019, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, p.63, ISBN 978-86-7031-444-3
  3. Matejevic, M., Blesic, I., Kalabova, M., Ristic, Z., Ponjiger, I., Djeri, L. (2022). Differentiation of the attributes that influence tourist hunters’ satisfaction in Serbia, Human dimension of wildlife, 27 (6),
  4. Urosevic M., Matejevic M., Mandić R., Dameski P. (2022). Basic Morphometric Characteristics of Mouflon Trophies (Ovis orientalis Gmelin, 1774), Pakistan J. Zool., pp 1-4, DOI:
  5. Matejević, M., Jovanović, T., Ponjiger, I., Ristić, Z., Marković, V., Kovačević, M. (2022). The Residents’ Attitudes About The Development Of Hunting Tourism In Vojvodina (Serbia). Economics of Agriculture69(3), 681–695.
  6. Matejevic, M., Blesic, I., Kalabova, M., Markovic, V., Kovacevic, M., Besermenji, S., Stankov, B. (2023). Examine Structural Relationships Between Hunting Tourism Product Quality and Tourist Hunters’ Satisfaction, European Contryside, 15(2), 227-242, DOI: 10.2478/euco-2023-0012
  7. Matejevic, M., Markovic, V., Kalabova, M., Ristic, Z., Kovacevic, M., Ponjiger, I., Popovic, I. (2023). Economic impact of roe deer tourist hunts in Vojvodina (Serbia), Central European Forestry Journal, 69, 31-37, DOI:10.2478/forj-2023-0005
  8. Matejevic, M., Wallrabenstein, K. & Ristic, Z. (2014): Dog Show Participants as Tourist: Attendance Motivation Factors. European Journal of Tourism Research, EJTR 7(1), in press, ISSN (ONLINE): 1314 – 0817
  9. Ponjiger, I., Matejević, M., Stankov, U., Marković, V., Ristić, Z., Kovačević, M., Barović, V. (2022). Facebook Season – a Survey of Current Practices of National Hunting Associations Facebook Pages: the Case of the EU, Turizam, 26 (1), 22–35 (2022), DOI: 10.5937/turizam26-29669
  10. Matejevic, M.,Wallrabenstein, K., Ristic, Z. (2015). Tourist Dimension of Canine Events, Event Management, 19 (2), 291-302
  11. Dević M., Ristić Z. (2008): Ekonomska opravdanost upotrebe pasa krvoslednika u lovištima, Međunarodni naučni skup u organizaciji Lovačkog udruženja Žagubica, 12-13. maj 2008., Međunarodno savetovanje o krupnim zverima i tragačima po krvi, Zbornik radova, str. 81 – 85
  12. Blešić I., Wallranbestein K., Dević M. (2008): Motivation of Novi Sad (Vojvodina, Serbia) visitors out of the tourist season, Geographica Pannonica, Vol12, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, 45-52.
  13. Matejevic, M., Markovic, V. (2023). Evaluating the hunting tourism potential: International case studies, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad, ISBN 978-86-7031-617-1 (pdf)
  14. Ristic, Z., Ponjiger. I., Matejevic, M., Kovačević, M., Ristic, N., Marković, V. (2021) Effects of factors associated with the decline of brown hare abundance in the Vojvodina region (Serbia), Hystrix – the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, doi:10.4404/hystrix–00334-2020
  15. Urosevic, M., Matejevic, M., Drobnjak, D., Ozkanal, U. (2020). Use of morphometric variables for differentiating breed variations in Turkish Tazi (sighthound) population, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 52(5), DOI: 17582/journal.pjz/20191206171254
  16. Markovic, V., Matejevic, M., Kovacevic, M., Ristic, Z., Djeri, L., Ponjiger, I. (2020). Forest land-cover changes 2012-2018 in hunting grounds in Vojvodina, Economics of Agriculture, 67 (4), pp. 1059-1070, doi: 10.5937/ekoPolj2004059M
  17. Manojlovic, R., Stamenkovic, I., Matejevic, M., Ristic, Z., Gajic, T. (2020). Possibilities of more perspective development of the hunting destination “Karađorđevo”, Economics of Agriculture, 68 (1), pp. 85-99, doi:10.5937/ekoPolj2101085M