Place and date of birth: Liverpool, United Kingdom, 19th August, 1952.
- 1973: Honours Degree in Geology and Geography, University of London, UK
- 1979: Postgraduate Certificate in Education, University of Liverpool, UK
- 2001: Masters in Museum and Gallery Administration, City University, UK
- 2004: Ph.D. (Economic Geography) in Geotourism, University of Birmingham, UK
Contact: e-mail: t.hose@btinternet.com
Academic Activities
- 2011-present: School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol – Honorary Research Associate;
- 2013: Hertfordshire University, UK – Part-time Lecturer in tourism;
- 1991-2010: Buckinghamshire New University, UK – Principal Lecturer in countryside management, arts management, heritage management, leisure studies, and tourism;
- 2006: Department of Geography, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain – Visiting Lecturer in geoconservation and geotourism;
- 2005: Geographical Institute, University of Lausanne, Switzerland – Visiting Lecturer in geotourism;
- 1996, 1997, 2005: Birkbeck College (University of London), UK – Part-time lecturer in geology, nature conservation management, and site interpretation;
- 1990-91: Humberside Polytechnic, UK – Visiting Lecturer in museum exhibition design and education;
- 1989-1991: Museum Education Service for South Humberside, Arts and Libraries Department, Humberside County Council, UK – Senior Museum Education Officer (head of service);
- 1988-1989: Passmore Edwards Museum, London Borough of Newham, UK – Extension Services Officer (museum and nature reserve/field-centre education);
- 1973-1987: various UK-based secondary teaching (mainly geography, general science and as a head of geology) and museum natural history posts (including head of natural history)..
Academic Activities – Conferences
- 2017: 2nd International Conference on Geoheritage and Geotourism, Institute Geography of Regional Development; University of Wroclaw, Poland – Proceedings Editor, Keynote Address, Chair of Geotourism session;
- 2016: Loess2MM 2016, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad University, Serbia – Member of International Scientific Board;
- 2016: Monitoring and management of visitors in protected areas: 8, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad University, Serbia – Member of International Scientific Board, Chair of Geoheritage and Geodiversity session;
- 2016: 2nd International Conference on Geoheritage and Geotourism, University of Wroclaw, Poland – Member of Scientific Committee;
- 2015: Geotour 2015, Podbanske, Slovenia – Presentation, Chair of Geotourism session;
- 2013: International Congress for History of Science, Technology and Medicine / International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences / History of Geology Group, Symposium 38, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK – Field Excursion Leader;
- 2012: Appreciating Physical Landscapes: Geotourism 1670-1970, History of Geology Group, The Geological Society of London, London, UK – Conference Convenor;
- 2011: Geotourism: An Opportunity for Sustainable Development, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, UK – invited Keynote Address;
- 2010: Sustainable Tourism: Issues, Debates and Challenges international, Faculty of Design, Media and Management, Buckinghamshire New University, UK / Technological Education Institute of Crete, Greece – Member of Scientific Committee;
- 2010: Geotrends’10: geotourism and geoconservation, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad University, Serbia – Member of Scientific Committee, Keynote Address,Proceedings Editor;
- 2009: Loessfest’09, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, University of Novi Sad, Serbia – Keynote Address, co-chair of Geotourism session;
- 2009: Open Meeting of the History of Geology Group, The Geological Society, London – invited Presentation;
- 2008: The Inaugural Global Geotourism Conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia – Keynote Address, Presentation, Workshop;
- 2007: ATINER 3rd International Conference on Tourism, Athens, Greece – Presentation;
- 2007: Geo-Pomerarnia 2007, Szczecin, Poland – invited Presentation;
- 2007: 45th Ussher Society, Geoscience in South-West England Annual Conference, Weymouth, UK – invited Keynote Address, Session Chair;
- 2006: History of Geoconservation, The Geological Society, Dudley, UK – invited Presentation;
- 2006: Critical Issues in Leisure and Tourism Education, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, High Wycombe, UK – Member of Organising Committee and Scientific Committee, Proceedings Editor;
- 2005: IVth International Symposium ProGEO on the conservation of the Geological Heritage, Braga, Portugal – Presentation;
- 2005: Eighth UKRIGS and Earth Science Teachers’ Association Annual Conferences, University of Derby, Derby, UK – Presentation;
- 2004: 1st Jornadas Tecnicas Sobre Conservacion Y Uso Sostenible De LA Geodiversidad De Andalucia, Almeira, Spain – Invited Keynote Address;
- 2004: 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy – Invited Keynote Address for ProGEO session;
- 2004: Geoconservation for Cheshire land and estate managers, English Nature/Chester University College/Cheshire RIGS, Delamere Forest, Cheshire, UK – invited Presentation and workshop;
- 2002: Fourth UKRIGS Annual Conference: ‘RIGS – Promoting Geodiversity’, University of Central Llangollen, Wales, UK – Poster;
- 2002: Stone in Wales: materials heritage and conservation, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK – invited Presentation;
- 2002: Reinventing a Tourism Destination, Dubrovnik, Croatia – Co-authored Presentation;
- 2000: III International Symposium Pro GEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, (Sociedad Geologica de Espana/Instituto Technologico GeoMinero de Espana/ ProGEO), Madrid, Spain – invited Keynote Address; Co-Chair Educational and Interpretative Activities session;
- 2000: Third UKRIGS Annual Conference: ‘Geoconservation in Action’, University of Central Lancashire, Newton Rigg, UK – Presentation;
- 1999: Second National RIGS Conference: ‘Recording and Protecting Landscapes’, Worcester University College, Worcester, UK – Presentation, Chair of Best Practice session;
- 1998: PROGeo’98, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria – Presentation;
- 1998: Tourism in Geological Landscapes, DoENI/ Geological Survey NI/GeoConservation Commission, Belfast: Ulster Museum, Northern Ireland, UK – Presentation;
- 1998: First National UKRIGS Conference, Worcester University College, Worcester, UK – Presentation, Workshop, Poster;
- 1997: International Engineering Geology and Environment Symposium, Greek National Group of the International Association of Engineering Geologists/Cogeoenvironment – IUGS, Athens, Greece – Presentation, Poster;
- 1996: Conserving Our Earth’s Heritage, Barcelona, Spain – Presentation;
- 1996: Coastal Defence and Earth Science Conservation, The Geological Society/Portsmouth University, Portsmouth, UK – Presentation, Poster;
- 1996: Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference, Estes Park, USA – Presentation;
- 1996: Conserving Our Earth’s Heritage, Aylesbury Vale District Council/English Nature, Buckingham, UK – Presentation;
- 1995: Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference, St. Pauls/Minnesota, USA – Presentation, Poster;
- 1995: Urban Geology and its Role in Conservation, The Geological Society/Greenwich University, London, USA – Presentation, Poster;
- 1994: Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference, Raleigh, USA – Presentation;
- 1991: Museums’ Association Annual Conference, York, UK – Co-authored Presentation.
Professional Activities:
- 2017-present: Member of Editorial Board of GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites;
- 2013-present: development of UK-based local geotrails for cyclists;
- 2009–2014, 2017-present: Editor of GeoConservatonUK newsletter;
- 2009-present: Associate, Leisure Solutions (Australia) on development of nature tourism business / research;
- 2009-present: Member of Editorial Board of Geoheritage;
- 2008-present: Member of Editorial Board of Tourism: an Interdisciplinary Journal;
- 2005–2009: External Examiner (postgraduate arts and heritage management programmes), Greenwich University, UK;
- 2005–2007: Interpretation Consultant (scripting and design of geology interpretative panels), British Institute for Geological Conservation;
- 2006: Interpretation Consultant (geological interpretative media provision and evaluation), British Geological Survey;
- 2005: Academic Advisor on geotourism programme, Korean Public TV; 2004: Consultant (evaluation of geotourism provision), Government of Andalucia, Spain / ProGEO;
- 2003-present: Reviewer for various academic journals, including: Acta Geographica Slovenica, Earth Sciences History, Environmental Management, Geoheritage, Tourism Management, International Journal of Tourism Policy Geoheritage, Journal of Ecotourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Open Geosciences, and Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association;
- 2002, 2004: Interpretation Consultant (research, scripting and design of interpretative media), Aylesbury Vale District Council, UK;
- 2002: Programme Reviewer for conservation management programme, Anglia Ruskin University, UK;
- 2000: Workshop Presenter, Government of Baden Wurttemberg / University of Tubingen, Swabish Alps Geopark;
- 2000-present: Managing Partner, Rockhounds Welcome! consultancy, geotourism marketing and event management; promotional media production and evaluation;
- 1997: Guest Lecturer on Earth Resources Conservation national short course (Birkbeck College/English Nature), Losehill Hall, UK;
- 1995: Invited Keynote Presentation, Geology Curators’ Group AGM, Ludlow, UK;
- 1994–96: Interpretative Consultant (evaluation of on-site geology panels), English Nature, Peterborough, UK.
Research and teaching subjects:
- Geotourism
- Geoconservation
- Geoheritage
- Geo-interpretation
- History and development of geology field-guides
- Loess landscapes
- History of geology
- Environmental interpretation
- Heritage management
- Sustainable tourism
- Tourism marketing
- Tourism research methods
Other relevant information
- Memberships:
- Geological Society of London, Fellow;
- Geologists’ Association, ordinary member;
- Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity, ordinary member;
- ProGEO, ordinary member; • British Institute for Geological Conservation, Council Member;
- GeoConservationUK, Executive Committee Member & Newsletter Editor;
- Earth Science Education Forum (England & Wales), ordinary member;
- British Bryological Society, ordinary member.
Main Publications
Edited Volumes
- Hose, T.A. (2016) Geoheritage and Geotourism: A European Perspective, Woodbridge, The Boyden
Press. - Hose, T.A. (2016) Appreciating Physical Landscapes: Three Hundred Years of Geotourism (Special
Publication 417), London, The Geological Society. - Wickens, E., Hose T.A., Humberstone, B.J. (2006) Critical Issues in Leis
- Hose, T.A. (2010) Volcanic Geotourism in West Coast Scotland In Erfurt-Cooper, P., Cooper, M. (eds.) Volcano and Geothermal Tourism: Sustainable Geo-Resources for Leisure and Recreation. London: Earthscan. pp.259-271.5.
- Hose, T.A. (2010) The significance of aesthetic landscape appreciation to modern geotourism provision In Dowling, R., Newsome, D. (eds.), Geotourism: the tourism of geology and landscape. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers. pp.13-26.
- Hose, T.A. (2008) Towards a history of Geotourism: definitions, antecedents and the future In Burek, C.V., Prosser, C.D. (eds.) The History of Geoconservation (Special Publication 300). London: Geological Society, London. pp.37-60.
- Hose, T.A. (2005) Geo-tourism – appreciating the deep time of landscapes, In Novelli, M. (ed.), Niche Tourism: contemporary issues, trends and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Science. pp.27-37.
- Hose, T.A. (2005) Writ in stone: a critique of geoconservation panels and publications in Wales and the Welsh Borders In Coulson, M.R. (ed.) Stone in Wales: Materials, Heritage and Conservation, Papers from the Welsh Stone Conference, Cardiff 2002. Cardiff: Cadw. pp.54-60 9.
- Hose, T.A. (2005) Geotourism and interpretation In Dowling, R., Newsome, D. (eds) Geotourism. Oxford: Elsevier. pp.221-241.
- Hose, T.A. and Wickens, E. (2004) Typologies, tourism locations and images: Meeting the real needs of real tourists In Weber,S., Tomljenovic, R. (eds.) Reinventing a Tourism Destination: Facing the Challenge. Zagreb: Scientific Edition Institute for Tourism. pp.103-114.
- Hose, T.A. (2000) European Geotourism – geological interpretation and geoconservation promotion for tourists In D Barretino, D., Wimbledon, W.A.P., Gallego, E. (eds.) Geological Heritage: Its Conservation and Management. Madrid: Sociedad Geologica de Espana/Instituto Technologico GeoMinero de Espana/ProGEO. pp.127-146.
- Hose, T.A. (2000) Rocks, rudists and writings: an examination of populist geosite literature In Addison, K. (ed) Proceedings of the third UKRIGS Annual Conference, Geoconservation in action. Worksworth: UKRIGS. pp. 39-62.
- Hose, T.A. (1999) How was it for you? Matching Geologic Site Media to Audiences In Oliver, P.G. (ed) Proceedings of the First UK RIGS Conference.Worcester: Worcester University College. pp.117-144.
- Hose, T.A. (1998) Selling Coastal Geology to Visitors In Hook, J. (ed.) Coastal Defence and Earth Science Conservation. London: Geological Society. pp.178-195.
- Hose, T.A. (1997) Geotourism – Selling the Earth to Europe In P G. Marinos, P.G., Koukis,G.C, Tsiambaos, G.C., Stournaras, G.C. (eds.) Engineering Geology and the Environment. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema. pp.2955-2960.
- Page, K. N., Keene, P., Edmonds, R. P. N., Hose, T.A. (1996) Earth Heritage Site Interpretation in England: A review of principle techniques with Case Studies, Research Report no 176. Peterborough: English Nature.
- Hose, T.A. (1996) Geotourism, or can Tourists become Casual Rock Hounds? In Bennett, M.R. (ed.) Geology on your Doorstep. London: Geological Society. pp.207-228
- Hose, T.A. (1996) Geotourism – Presenting the Earth to Tourists In PACT – Proceedings of the 4th Global Congress on Heritage Interpretation. European Union, Brussels.
Edited Journal - (2011) Guest Editor commissioning papers on geotourism and geoconservation for special issue of Geoheritage.
- Hose, T.A. (2018) Awheel in Edwardian Bedfordshire: a 1905 Geologists’ Association cycling excursion revisited and contextualised, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (in press).
- Hose, T.A. (2018) Awheel Along Europe’s ‘s Rivers: Geoarchaeological Trails for Cyclists. Open Geoscience (in press).
- Vujičić, M.D., Vasiljević, D.A., Hose, T.A., Tasić, N., Morar, C., Ðurić, A., Marković, S.B. (2018) A multicriteria decision analysis with special reference to loess and archaeological sites in Serbia (Could geosciences and archaeology cohabitate?). Open Geoscience 10, 333–343.
- Hose, T.A. (2017) The English Peak District (as a potential geopark): mining geoheritage and historical geotourism. Acta Geoturistica, 8 (1), 32-49. (DOI 10.1515/agta-2017-0004).
- Tomić, N., Marković, S.B., Korać , M., Mrđić, N., Hose, T.A., Vasiljević , D.A., Jovičić, M., Gavrilov, M.B. (2015) Exposing mammoths: From loess research discovery to public palaeontological park. Quaternary International, 372, 142-150.
- Vasiljević, D.A., Marković, S.B., Hose, T.A., Ding, Z., Guo, Z., Liu, X., Smalley, I., Lukić, T., Vujičić, M.D. (2014) Loess-palaeosol sequences in China and Europe: Common values and geoconservation issues. Catena, 117, 108-118.
- Solarska, A., Hose, T.A., Vasiljević, D.A., Mroczek, P., Jary, Z., Marković, S.B., Widwaski, K. (2013) Geodiversity of the loess regions in Poland: Inventory, geoconservation issues, and geotourism potential. Quaternary International, 296, 68-81.
- Petrovic, M.D., Vasiljević, D.A., Vujicic, M.D., Hose, T.A., Marković, S.B., Lukic, T. (2013) Global geopark and candidate – comparative analysis of Papuk Mountain Geopark (Croatia) and Fruska Gora Mountain (Serbia) by using GAM model. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 8 (1), 105-116.
- Hose, T.A. (2012) Editorial: an introduction to geotourism with geoconservation. Geoheritage, 4 (1-2),1-5.
- Hose, T.A. (2012) 3Gs for Modern Geotourism. Geoheritage, 4 (1-2), 7-24. Hose, T.A., Vasiljević, D.A. (2012) Defining the Nature and Purpose of Modern Geotourism with Particular Reference to the United Kingdom and South-East Europe. Geoheritage, 4 (1-2), 25-43.
- Hose, T.A. (2011) The English origins of geotourism (as a vehicle for geoconservation) and their relevance to current studies. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 51, 343-360. (doi: 10.3986/AGS51302).
- Hose, T.A., Marković, S.B., Komac, B., Zorn, M. (2011) Geotourism – a short introduction. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 51-52, 339-342 (doi: 10.3986/AGS51301).
- Reynolds, J., Hose, T.A. (2011) Where have all the Geo-words gone? Teaching Earth Sciences, 36 (2), 66-67;
- Vasiljević, Dj.A., Marković, S.B., Hose, T.A., Smalley, I., O’Hara-Dhand, K., Basarin, B., Lukić, T., Vujičić, M.D (2011) Loess towards (geo) tourism – proposed application on loess in Vojvodina region (North Serbia). Acta Geographica Slovenica, 51, 390-406 (doi: 10.3986/AGS51305).
- Vasiljević, Dj. A., Marković, S.B., Hose, T.A., Smalley, I, Basarin, B., Lazić, L. (2011) Introduction to the Geoconservation of Loess-Palaeosol Sequences in the Vojvodina Region as Significant Geoheritage of Serbia. Quaternary International, 240 (1-2), 108-116.
- Vasiljević, Dj.A, Marković, S.B., Hose, T.A., Smalley, I., O’Hara-Dhand, K., Basarin, B., Lukić, T., Vujičić, M.D., (2011) Loess towards (geo) tourism – proposed application on loess in Vojvodina region (north Serbia). Acta Geographica Slovaca, 51 (3), 391-406.
- Vasiljević, D., Marković S.B., Hose, T.A, Basarin, B., Lazić, L., Stojanović, V., Lukić, T., Vidić, N., Jović, G., Janićević, S., Samardžija, D. (2009) The use of web-based dynamic maps in the promotion of the
Titel Loess Plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia) a potential geotourism destination, Geographica Pannonica 13 (3), 78-84. - Hose, T.A. (2007) Geotourism in Almeria Province, southeast Spain, Tourism: an Interdisciplinary Journal, 55 (3), 259-276.
- Hose, T.A. (1999) Selling geology to the public, Earth Heritage, 11, 11-13.
- Hose, T.A. (1999) Mountains of fire from the present to the past – effectively communicating the wonder of geology to tourists, Geologica Balcania, 28 (3-4), 77-85.
- Hose, T.A. (1995) Selling the Story of Britain’s Stone. Environmental Interpretation, 10, 16–17.
- Hose, T.A. (1995b) Evaluating interpretation at Hunstanton, Earth Heritage, 4, 20.
- Hose, T.A. (1991) Bolt-on or Integral, Museums Journal, 6, 17.
- Hose, T.A. (1978) Extant Cited Mammals in the Collections of the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, Lancashire and Cheshire Fauna Society, Publication No 75.
- Hose, T.A. (1977) A Method of Systematically Arranging a Collection of Mounted British Birds, Biology Curators’ Newsletter, 5, 20-22.
- Hose, T.A. (1977) Cited Bird Specimens in the Collections of the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, Nature in Wales, 15 (4), 224-225.
- Hose, T.A. (1977) A Cited Welsh Mammal in the Collections of the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, Nature in Wales, 16 (1), 53.
Reports for External Bodies - Hose, T.A. (2003) Much Wenlock, Geology and Tourism. High Wycombe: Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College / Much Wenlock Museum.
- Hose, T.A. (1997) Ludlow, Geology and Tourism. High Wycombe: Buckinghamshire College of HE/ Ludlow Museum
- Hose, T.A. (1997) Dudley, Geology and Tourism. High Wycombe: Buckinghamshire College of HE/ Dudley Museum
- Hose, T.A. (1996) [with Page, K. N., Keene, P. and Edmonds, R. P. N.] Earth Heritage Site Interpretation in England: A review of principle techniques with Case Studies, Research Report no 176. Peterborough: English Nature.
- Hose, T.A. (1996) Mallorca: the potential for geotourism. High Wycombe: Buckinghamshire College of HE.
- Hose, T.A. (1994) Hunstanton Cliffs Geological SSSI – A Summative Evaluation. High Wycombe: Buckinghamshire College of HE / English Nature.
- Hose, T.A. (1978) Cited Cheshire Birds in the Collections of the Grosvenor Museum. Chester: Grosvenor Museum.
- Hose, T.A. (2016) Geoheritage and Geotourism: A European Perspective, Woodbridge, The Boyden