Research group members:

PhD Anđelija Ivkov-Džigurski, Full professor
PhD Igor Stamenković, Associate professor
PhD Lazar Lazić, Full professor
PhD Aleksandra Dragin, Full professor
PhD Ljubica Ivanović Bibić, Associate professor
PhD Smilјana Đukičin Vučković, Assistant professor
PhD Jelena Tepavčević, Teaching assistant


PhD  Anđelija Ivkov Džigurski, Full professor i
tel: +381 21 485 2834
fax: +381 21 459 696

Research History:

The working group for animation in tourism, ethno tourism and folklore heritage conducts research primarily from Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, within which it emphasizes the possibility of using folklore heritage in the tourist offer of a certain destination from AP Vojvodina and the whole Serbia.

Through a series of educational workshops and round tables folklore heritage is preserved. Also, there are activities that carried out issues of: renewing cultures, selling souvenirs and local handicrafts, reviving naive painting, producing organic food, promoting gastronomic tradition, reviving numerous events and customs, and developing rural tourism.

Through animation programs, as an integral part of the tourist offer, a more meaningful tourist stay in a certain destination has been realized. Through the preparation and realization of thematic evenings, the cultural heritage (cultural-historical monuments), folklore characteristics (music, costumes, customs) and gastronomic characteristics (culinary specialties, traditional drinks) of many nations living in our country are promoted.

The organization of themed events within the course “Animation and Logistics in Tourism” aim to promote the folkloric/ethnic heritage of various nations and position it as a valuable asset in tourism development.

The events are held with the support of the following stakeholders: the Faculty of Sciences, Government of AP Vojvodina, the City Hall of Novi Sad, the embassies of the countries represented and many other donors and sponsors. So far, organizers had the support of the Embassies of Mexico, Cuba, Turkey, India, Slovakia, Russia, Egypt, Japan, Germany, Argentina, Netherlands and others. Their representatives were ambassadors, consuls, cultural attachés, secretaries, etc. who attended the events.

Around 850 students and more than 4.500 guests have participated in the thematic events, so far. All programs have been covered by numerous local and regional TV, radio stations and internet portals.

More than 6.500.000 dinars have been collected in money and goods to help the children who needed it the most, so far.

So far, 49 such events have been held:

  1. Roma evening – “Gipsy night”05.2006. | project
  2. Mexican evening – “Mexico in Novi Sad” 13.05.2006.  |project
  3. Roma evening – “Gipsy night 2” (in Russian) 28.05.2006.
  4. Cuban evening – “Noche de la Cuba”  03.06.2007.  (supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba)) |project
  5. Irish evening – “Irish heartbeat” 18.05.2008. |project
  6. Masquerade – “Ball at the court” 22.01.2009. |project
  7. Hungarian evening – “Sok kicsi sokra megy” 24.01.2009.  the performance of this thematic evening was financially supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Education: Sok kicsi sokra megy – Little things make this evening, no. project: 106-451-04720 / 2008-01 |project
  8. Greek evening – “Greece in Novi Sad”  25.01.2009.  |project
  9. 9th Indian Evening – 26.01.2009. |project
  10. French evening – “Voulez – vous passer la soiree avec nous?”  02.01.2009. |project
  11. Spanish evening – “Amor y corazon de Españoles” 03.02.2009. The performance of this thematic evening was financially supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Education: Amor y corazon de Españoles – People of Boiled Blood, no. project: 106-451-00087 / 2009-01 |project
  12. Turkish evening – 09.02.2009. with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey and the City Administration for Economy, no. 3-25 / 2009-II. |project
  13. Italian evening – “La bella notte Italiana” 22.01.2010. |project
  14. 14th Slovak Evening – “Slovenian Evenings – Slovak Magic” 26.01.2010.  |project
  15. Russian evening – “From Russia with love”   30.01.2010.  |project
  16. 16th Egyptian Evening – “Evening at the Pharaoh’s Bar” 02.02.2010.  |project
  17. Japanese evening – “Mystical touch of the east”  10.02.2010. |project
  18. 18th Bavarian Evening – “Bayern – das Herz & der Geist von Deutschland”  16.02.2010.  |project
  19. Brazilian evening – “Night of the Brazilian sensation” 24.01.2011.  |project
  20. 20th Montenegrin night in Vojvodina 26.01.2011. |project
  21. Scandinavian evening – “Veni, Vidi, Viking” 29.01.2011.  |project
  22. “Vojvođanska bajka” 11.03.2011.  |project
  23. Chinese evening – Evening in the center of the world – Chong Hua 16.01.2012.  |project
  24. Let’s revive museums from January 13 to 24, 2012.  |project
  25. Šumadija evening – In the bowels of Šumadija  23.01.2012.  |project
  26. British wonderland 26.01. 2012. |project
  27. Film cabaret 30.01.2012.  |project
  28. In the rhythm of past times 02.02.2012.|project
  29. Game-tolerance 11.05.2012.  |project
  30. Friendship is not rejected 08.05.2014. and 09.05.2014.  |project
  31. Beauty that is not rejected – Slovenia 15.05.2014. |project
  32. Young people care, how old old people 13.05.2014. and 16.05.2014.  |project
  33. I will be good, I will be good, so I will receive a gift – on January 19, 2015.|project
  34. Derani i snaše ajd u provod na salaše – 03.02.2015. |project
  35. Viva Las Vegas – 02.06.2015.  |project
  36. A magical journey into fairy tales 03.02.2016.|project
  37. EX YU just for you 02.09.2016. |project
  38. Igram Igraj Igrajmo se 20. and 22.12.2016. |project
  39. It’s Wine O’Clock  01.07.2017.  |project
  40. Evening with Dracula | 07.02.2017. |project
  41. Stories from the past – the adventures of Kike and Dina | 21.12.2017. |project
  42. Ladies & Gentlemen, These Are 20s!| 31.01.2018. |project
  43. Serbia – Middle Ages I`ll be back | 07.02.2018. |project
  44. From travel to knowledge | 14.12.2018. |project
  45. In addition to circus and gastronomic activities, we take an exam in animation | 31.01.2019. |project
  46. Work actions for new generations | 26.01.2019.|project
  47. Wonder children | 17.01.2020.| project
  48. It’s cold for the beach – let’s go to the Netherlands | 28.01.2020.| project
  49. Tango is dancing – Argentina smiles | 28.01.2020.| project
  50. Children’s olympics of the sports city of Novi Sad | 04.06.2021. | project 
  51. Retrospective| 2021. | project
  52. Frida Kalo | 22.12.2021. | project
  53. Back to the golden 80s / 31.03.2022. / project
  54. We are little traffic scientists/30.01.2023. /project
  55. Eurovision time machine /01.02.2023. /project
  56. Dance with somebody /31.01.2024. /project
  57. PORTUGAL&ME | 05.02.2024. | project


  1. Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina
  2. Tourist Organization of Vojvodina
  3. Tourist organization of the city of Novi Sad
  4. Novi Sad Fair
  5. Christian Cultural Center, Belgrade
  6. Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities
  7. City Administration for Economy
  8. PU “Radosno detinjstvo”, Novi Sad

 Realized projects:

  1. Folklore Heritage in Tourism of Banat, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. 451-02007 / 2006, 2006.,
  2. Folklore heritage in tourism Backa, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. 106-451-03052 / 06, 2007.
  3. Folklore heritage in tourism Srem, Program of importance for science and technological development of AP Vojvodina, no. 106-451-02206, of 2008.
  4. “Thematic evenings as a new type of tourist animation in the city of Novi Sad”. The project is included in the Economic Development Strategy of the City of Novi Sad under code D 1.11. within the Action Plans for the implementation of action plans by priorities and areas, one of which is carried out by the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hospitality – Faculty of Sciences (Novi Sad), and the other by the Tourist Organization of the City of Novi Sad; Head PhD Andjelija Ivkov Dzigurski.
  5. Project “Tourist offer of religious tourism in the city of Novi Sad” which is part of the Action Plan for the improvement of tourism D.1.13, as part of the Strategy of economic development of the city of Novi Sad. Publications in Serbian: “Novi Sad – Sveta mesta”, (2012), ISBN: 978-86-7031-275-3, UDC: 338.48-6: 2 (497.113 Novi Sad) (036). Publication in English: “Novi Sad – Sacred Sites”, (2012), ISBN: ISBN: 978-86-7031-274-6, UDC: 338.48-6: 2 (497.113 Novi Sad) (036).; Head PhD Igor Stamenkovic
  • “EXPO MILANO 2015”, according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia no. 390-3637 / 2013 (30.04.2013) and the General Commissioner of the Republic of Serbia no. 119-01-132 / 2013-02 (28.06.2013) and the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade


  1. Vanja Dragićević, Snežana Besermenji, Tatjana Pivac, Anđelija Ivkov-Džigurski, Kristina Košić (2013): Evaluation of tourist attractiveness and museum management in Sombor and Apatin (Serbia). Acta Geographica Slovenica. 53-2. pp. 403-413. DOI: 10.3986/AGS53405
  2. Ana Jovičić, Anđelija Ivkov-Džigurski, Tatjana Pivac, Marko D. Petrović and Snježana Gagić (2012):Leisure Time, Travel Habits and Possibilities to Travel: Case of Serbia. , International Conference on Business, Economics and Tourism Management (CBETM 2012), Hong Kong, China. October 27-28, 2012, International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research: Business, Economics and Tourism Management, Vol. 20 pp. 84-88. (M33) Dostupan online:
  3. Ivkov Dzigurski Andjelija, Vedrana Babic, Aleksandra Dragin, Kristina Kosic, Ivana Blesic, 2012.The Mystery of Vlach Magic in the Rural Areas of 21st century Serbia’. Eastern European Countryside. No 18. Pp. 61-83. DOI 10.2478/v10130-012-0004-9.
  4. Božić A., Ivkov-Džigurski A., 2010. Specifični programi za decu u animaciji turista. Hotellink, Visoka hotelijerska škola strukovnih studija. Str. 174-179. Beograd.
  5. Ivkov Džigurski Anđelija, Igor Stamenković, 2009. Turistička animacija kao instrument unapređenja manifestacione ponude u okviru kulturnog i religioznog turizma na destinaciji. Prva konferencija kulturnog turizma (ICCUTU), 01-02.12.2009. Udruženje građana „Mladi i igra“ i Organizacija za kulturni turizam „Bogaz“. Subotica.
  6. Ivkov-Džigurski Anđelija, Jovan Romelić, Lazar Lazić, Aleksandra Dragin, Ljubica Ivanović (2009): Turističke manifestacije zasnovane na prezentaciji folklornog nasleđa. Plesni folklor u Vojvodini. KID PČESA. XXIV KIBV. Novi Sad. Str. 234-243.
  7. Ivkov-Džigurski Anđelija, Igor Stamenković, 2008. Etno-gastronomski užitak u animaciji turista. Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo br. 37, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad.
  8. Ivkov-Džigurski Anđelija, Milana Pašić, Goran Ćurčić, 2008. Igre i običaji iz Bosilegradskog Krajišta. Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo br. 37, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad.
  9. Ivkov-Džigurski Anđelija, Tamara Kovačević, Lolita Zakić, 2008.Suveniri kao deo kulturnog nasleđa stanovništva u funkciji turističkog proizvoda.Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, LXXXVIII(4),59-70. DOI: 10.2298/GSGD0804059I
  10. Ivkov Anđelija, Igor Stamenković, 2008. The implementation of the „Bologna process“ into the subject of animation in tourism, as a significant part of the hotel industry products promotion. Tourism and hospitality management, An International journal of multidisciplinary research for South-Eastern Europe. Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostitelјstvu. Vol. 14 No 1. Opatija. pp. 129-140.
  11. Ivkov-Džigurski Anđelija, Igor Stamenković, 2007. Etno-gastronomski užitak u animaciji turista. Savremene tendencije u turizmu, hotelijerstvu i gastronomiji 2007. PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. Str. 76.
  12. Ivanović Ljubica, Vinka Trivunović, Anđelija Ivkov, 2007. Etnodemografske karakteristike Roma u Vajskoj. Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo br. 36, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. Str. 37 – 51.
  13. Ivkov Anđelija. Igor Stamenković, 2006. Značaj tematskih večeri za kvalitet turističke ponude u turističkoj destinaciji.Turizam br.10. PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. Str. 163-167.
  14. Ivanović Ljubica, Anđelija Ivkov, 2006. Šta poneti za uspomenu iz Vojvodine?Turizam br.10. PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. Str. 73-76.
  15. Ivkov Anđelija, Milka Bubalo-Živković, Tamara Kovačević, 2006. Etnodemografske karakteristike bračnosti Slovaka u Vojvodini. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, Sveska LXXXVI – broj 1. Str. 115-122.
  16. Ivkov Anđelija, Ljubica Ivanović, 2006. Etnodemografske karakteristike Rusina i Ukrajinaca u Vojvodini.Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo br. 35, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. Str. 48-56.
  17. Ivkov Anđelija, 2005. Folklorno nasleđe slovačke nacionalne manjine u funkciji turizma Vojvodine.Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo br. 33, PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. Str. 198-208

Textbooks and monographs:

  1. Ivkov Džigurski Anđelija, 2012. Turistička animacija. PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. str. 1-380.
  2. Ivkov Anđelija, 2006. Folklorno nasleđe u turizmu Vojvodine. Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd. 129 str.
  3. Ivkov-Džigurski Anđelija, Jovan Romelić, Lazar Lazić i Aleksandra Dragin, Ljubica Ivanović, 2012. Folklorno nasleđe u turizmu Srema.PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. str. 1-324.
  4. Ivkov-Džigurski Anđelija, Jovan Romelić, Lazar Lazić i Aleksandra Dragin, 2011. Folklorno nasleđe u turizmu Bačke. PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. str. 1-318.
  5. Ivkov Anđelija, Jovan Romelić, Lazar Lazić, Aleksandra Dragin i Ljubica Ivanović, 2007. Folklorno nasleđe u turizmu Banata. PMF, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad. 234 str.