New Horizon project “Engaging Approaches for Meaningful Climate Actions – CLEAR CLIMATE” We are thrilled to officially launch the Horizon project Engaging Approaches for Meaningful Climate Actions CLEAR CLIMATE, a collaborative initiative that aims to pioneer innovative approaches and services for meaningful climate change communication. For the first time, this type of project is coordinated by UNSPMF, and we are proud to introduce our esteemed partners:


  • Wageningen univerzitet, Holandija
  • Univerzitet Autònoma de Barcelona, Španija
  • Uniwersytet SWPS, Poljska
  • Stichting Climate Adaptation Services, Holandija
  • Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions, Španija
  • CESIE, Italija
  • Loughborough univerzitet, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
  • Previsico Limited, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
  • Univerzitet za razvojne studije, Gana


Together, in the next four years, we are committed to addressing the urgent challenges of climate change through innovative research and collaboration.