Seminars for geography teachers
In the catalogues of professional development of teachers in state schools ( there are accredited seminars developed by the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad, prepared for the geography teachers in primary and secondary schools. So far, 11 seminars have been accredited:
- GIS, multimedija i internet u funkciji edukacije nastavnika za kvalitetnije obrazovanje, [GIS, multimedia and the Internet for teachers aiming at higher quality education] (292/03)
- Edukacija nastavnika geografije za korišćenje aktivnih metoda u nastavi [Training geography teachers in using active methods in the educational process] (291/03)
- GIS, multimedija i internet u funkciji edukacije nastavnika za kvalitetnije obrazovanje 1 [GIS, multimedia and the Internet for teachers aiming at higher quality education 1], school year 2007/2008 (100/07)
- GIS, multimedija i internet u funkciji edukacije nastavnika za kvalitetnije obrazovanje 2 [GIS, multimedia and the Internet for teachers aiming at higher quality education 2], school year 2007/2008 (101/07)
- Interaktivna nastava – savremena nastava geografije [Interactive education – contemporary geography education], school year 2009/2010 and 2011/2012 (151/09; 195/11)
- Upoznajte svet oko sebe putem interneta – nova tehnologija učenja u osnovnim i srednjim školama [Get to know the world around you via the Internet – new learning technology in primary and secondary schools], school year 2011/2012 (201/11)
- Application of computers in geography teaching for work with students with visual impairment 2010-2011
- Savremena geografija – napredak u nastavi i pristupu geografskim sadržajima i jačanje profesionalnih kapaciteta nastavnika. [Contemporary geography – advancement in the educational process and the treatment of geography content, and building professional capacities of teachers] Catalogue number in Catalogues 2014/15 and 2015/2016, 591, Competence: K1, Priority: 1.
- Igra kao faktor motivacije u učenju geografskih sadržaja. [Play as a motivational factor for learning geographical content] Catalogue number in Catalogues 2014/15; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; and 2017/2018, 910, Competence: K1, Priority: 2.
- Mape uma kao inovativno sredstvo za usvajanje predstava, pojmova i zakonitosti prilikom izučavanja geografskih sadržaja. [Mind maps as innovative tools for acquiring ideas, concepts and rules in the study of geographical content] Program number in the Catalogue 2018/2020, 810, Competence: K2, Priority: 3.
- Integrisana nastava prirodno-matematičkih nauka i informatike kroz različite oblike rada u osnovnoj školi, sa posebnim osvrtom na inkluziju. [Integrated teaching of science and informatics through various methods in primary schools, with a special emphasis on inclusion] Program number in the Catalogue 2018/2020, 179, Competence: K2, Priority: 2.
HACCP seminars