Dear colleagues,
The Scientific, Steering and Organizing Committees of the Congress inform you that the 5th SERBIAN CONGRESS OF GEOGRAPHERS will be held in compliance with all epidemiological measures in the period from September 9 to 11, 2021.
On this occasion, we are sending you a detailed Congress Programme with the timeline. Please respect the allotted time for your paper presentation. A maximum of 20 minutes is provided for the plenary speakers, while a maximum of 10 minutes is provided for other participants.
In the course of the Programme preparation, we have been receiving a lot of requests for changing the title, order of authors, and other information, which have not been fully met yet, so please accept our apology if the requested changes have not been included in the attached Programme.
In order to facilitate the organization, could you please send us your presentations no later than September 7, 2021. There is not a template for making presentations, and you should send them to The name of the presentation file should be the surname of the first author.
Furthermore, we kindly ask you to send us a scanned invoice or payment slip as proof of the registration fee payment to the same email address.
We send you our most sincere greetings and eagerly await your arrival in Novi Sad.
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr Lazar Lazić
the President of the Organizing Committee of the 5th Serbian Congress of Geographers
Dear Colleagues,
The Scientific, Steering, and Organizing Committee of the Congress has made a decision to hold 5th Serbian Congress of Geographers from 9 to 11 September 2021.
The reason for making this decision is the desire for the Congress to be held live. The Congress will take place in Novi Sad, where the participants will present their research and ideas, share their experiences, and establish cooperation.
The organization of the Congress will respect all epidemiological measures that will be in force during the Congress.
Each participant can send a new abstract instead of the accepted one. We will also give an opportunity for new participants to submit abstracts. The details on the new dates for registration, submission of abstracts and payment of the registration fee can be found in the attachment to the Notice. You can see all the information about the Congress on the website of the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management.
On behalf of the Scientific, Steering, and Organizing Committee, we cordially send you our most sincere greetings.
With respect,
Prof. Lazar Lazić
President of the Organizing Committee of the 5th Serbian Congress of Geographers
Te Fifth Serbian Congress of Geographers – Innovative Approach and Perspectives of Applied Geography is dedicated to various aspects of applied geography. Geographers
strive to understand natural and social phenomena in the space that surrounds them, whereas their findings are developed in the dialectics with the space. Therefore geographical research refers to the ‘real world’ around us. By disseminating their research results, geographers are given the opportunity to form attitudes of the broader population.
Some geographical disciplines primarily focus on the findings that can be applied in solving urgent issues in a society, which can be observed in the fields of climate
change, environmental protection, demography, tourism, urban and regional planning. The possibilities for the application of geographical research results can be even
broader, so they can refer to the issues of social inequality, social conflict solutions, the development of culture and its geographical distribution, as well as to the issues of
adopting policies that are important for the development of a community. Geography and geographers can and must contribute significantly to the understanding of natural and social processes in the context of global challenges. There is a wide agreement on the exact status of the applied geography in an array of diverse situations in connection with the geographical science, which should inspire researchers to develop applied geography with more enthusiasm wherever they can. On the basis of the above-mentioned, The Fifth Serbian Congress of Geographers is dedicated to the applied geography, with the aim of increasing its presence within the space in which we live and create.
Scientific Board
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- Challenges of modern geomorphology
- Challenges of modern hydrology
- Climate change: consequences, mitigation and adaptation
- Geo-ecology and environmental protection
- Demographic development, population policy and migration
- Geo-informatics, the role of geography in the 4th industrial revolution
- Economic geography, unbalanced spatial development and globalization
- Planning, development and protection of space and settlements
- Regional geography and regional development
- Geopolitical issues and challenges in the modern world
- Geography education, teaching methodology and didactics
- Applied geography in tourism
- Poster section
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- Prof. dr Zoran Milošević, Pokrajinski sekretar za visoko obrazovanje i naučno-istraživačku delatnost
- Prof. dr Dejan Jakšić, Rektor Univerziteta u Novom Sadu
- dr Radivoje Stojković, predsednik NPS
- Prof. dr Slobodan Ćurčić, profesor emeritus
- Prof. dr Stevan Stanković, professor emeritus
- Prof. dr Mirko Grčić, predsednik SGD
- Prof. dr Lazar Lazić, direktor, DGTH, Novi Sad
- Prof. dr Vladimir Stojanović, Šef katedre za geoekologiju, DGTH, Novi Sad
- Prof. dr Anđelija Ivkov-Džigurski, Šef katedre za društvenu geografju, DGTH, Novi Sad
- Prof. dr Milka Bubalo Živković, Šef katedre za regionalnu geografju, DGTH, Novi Sad
- Prof. dr Dragolav Pavić, Šef katedre za fzičku geografju, DGTH, Novi Sad
- Prof. dr Rajko Gnjato, predsednik Geografskog društva Republike Srpske
- Prof. dr Dejan Filipović, Dekan, Geografski fakultet, Beograd
- Prof. dr Aleksandar Radivojević, Dekan, Departman za geografju, Niš
- Prof. dr Goran Trbić, Dekan, PMF Banja Luka
- dr Danijela Vukoičić, šef Odseka za geografiju, PMF, Kosovska Mitrovica
- Vladimir Aleksandrovič Kolosov, PhD, Lomonosov University, Russsia
- Szabo Szilard, PhD , University Of Debrecen, Hungary
- Michal Lehnert, PhD, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
- Eva Konečnik Kotnik, PhD, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia
- Cezar Morar, PhD, University of Oradea, Romania
- Tanya Zheng Tan PhD, Lille Catholic University, Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department, France
- Moira Kostić Bobanović PhD, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Faculty of Economics and Tourism “Dr.
Mijo Mirković”, Croatia - Valentin Mihajlov, PhD, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and University of Silesia in Katowice,
- Prof. dr Milica Pavkov Hrvojević
- Prof. dr Lazar Lazić
- Prof. dr Mirko Grčić
- Prof. dr Anđelija Ivkov-Džigurski
- Prof. dr Vladimir Stojanović
- Prof. dr Milka Bubalo Živković
- Prof. dr Mlađen Jovanović
- Prof. dr Ljubica Ivanović Bibić
- dr Miroslav Vujičić
- dr Dragan Milošević
- dr Jelena Milanković Jovanov
- dr Dragana Vuković Vojnović
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Important dates
First call | 15th Jul 2019 |
Paper title and abstract submission deadline | 1st April 2021. |
Notification of acceptance of abstract | 15th April 2021. |
Full paper submission deadline | 1st August 2021. |
Notification of acceptance of full paper | 15th August 2021. |
Final Call | 25th August 2021. |
Date of the event | From 9 to 11 September 2021. |
Registration fee (July 1st 2021.-August 31th 2021.) |
Early bird registration fee (by June 31st 2021.) |
Conference participants* | 150 € | 120 € |
Students** | 80 € | 60 € |
School teachers and professors *** | 40€ | — |
* Tхe fee includes the Book of Abstracts, conference materials, participation in the plenary lectures and
the sessions, welcome cocktail, coffee break refreshments, conference dinner and excursion.
** It is necessary to submit a certifcate from the Faculty confrming student status.
*** Te fee includes conference materials, participation in the plenary lectures and the sessions, welcome
cocktail, coffee break refreshments
Authors are kindly asked to send only original papers which were not previously published.
Abstract submission guidelines
Abstracts should contain:
- Title of the paper printed in capital letters
- Author’s name: author’s frst name printed with the frst letter capitalized, author’s family name
printed in all capital letters - Afliation
- Postal address and email of the author
- Abstracts should be written in regular font Times New Roman, 12pt, max. 1,000 characters (with
spaces) - Key words (up to 5)
Paper submission guidelines will be sent with the Second Call.
Ofcial languages of the conference are serbian and english.
Please mind the important dates and deadlines in order to successfully register and participate the conference.
We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically (in English), by using registration form. Please make sure to fill in all the gaps in this form.
However, if you prefer, abstracts can be sent by email: or any other email listed on the contact page.
Authors are welcomed to submit more then one abstracts (maximum 3 by author-co-author) for oral or poster presentation (every abstract has to be registered separately!)
All co-authors and their affiliations (if different then first authors) should be stated clearly in the appropriate gap of registration form.
In the case of registration via email please indicate which autor will be the correspondent.
Co-authors that intend to participate the conference are also obliged to register! Co-authors pay full of the registration fee.
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Second call
Documents for the secound call are attached:
second call
Instruction for authors
Smeštaj – Accommodation
Uplate – Conference fee