The Non-governmental organization “Carpe Noctem” is the first environmental organization with the main focus on the issue of light pollution in Serbia.
It was founded in 2019 in February, and the founders are members of the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hospitality: Dajana Bjelajac (Teaching assistant), Dr. Bojan Đerčan (Assistant professor) and Dajana Kovačević (Geography student).
Since decision makers and citizens in Serbia are mostly unaware of light pollution of the environment, the primary goal of the organization is the scientific-popularization of the issue of light pollution through variety of the public events.
The main event of the year is the first ecological festival in the Balkans with the focus on the issue of light pollution – “Star Triathlon”, while “Astro walks” are organized twice a year during certain astronomical phenomena (meteor showers, super moon and similar). Besides these public events, Carpe Noctem is also organizing popular science lectures throughout the Serbia, as well as daily virtual education over social media networks and the organization’s website.
Carpe Noctem is an official affiliate of the International Dark-Sky Association, which has hundreds of members and various experts around the world.
Dajana Bjelajac is also a Delegate of the International Dark-Sky Association and a member of International Dark-Sky Places Committee.
NGO “Carpe Noctem” is the project carrier of “Ecological supernova – raising the awareness about the light pollution”, which provided schools, ecological and astronomical societies with the “Handbook about light pollution” written by members of the organization. This is the first educational material about light pollution written in Serbian language and the aim of this project is to educate young people of school age as well as the general public about the issue of light pollution.
The organization currently has over 100 members throughout the Serbia, among which the largest number came from the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad.
Phone number: 060/330-37-01
Facebook stranica: Carpe Noctem – Iskoristi noć
Instagram: carpe.noctem_serbia