Short biography:
- Date and place of birth: 24.02.1992. Novi Sad, Serbia
- In 2015, she completed her undergraduate studies and went on to achieve her master’s degree in 2016. In June 2022, she successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled “Addressing Light Pollution Challenges in the Urban Landscape of Novi Sad: Proposed Mitigation Measures” at the Department of Geography, Tourism, and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad.
- Phone: +381 21 485 28 42
- E-mail:
- Consultations: get information via email
- 2016-17. Junior Researcher
- 2017-23. Teaching Assistant
- 2023 – Assistant Professor
Field of scientific research:
- Urban Issues and Challenges
- Light Pollution
- Dark Sky Places
- Astronomy Tourism
- Dark Sky Tourism
Membership in organizations:
- President Non-governmental organization “Carpe Noctem” | Website
- Delegat International Dark Sky Association | Website
- Member of International Dark Sky Places Committee | Website
- Presiding member of IDA Awards & Recognition Committee| Website
- Member of Serbian Society for Lighting | Website
- Member of Serbian Geographical Society | Website
- Member of Research Unit for Solar Activity Monitoring, Climate Change and Light Pollution | Website
- Editorial Assistant | Researches Review of the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
- Head of the marketing team | Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad.
- Dark Sky Defender Award 2020, Dark Sky International.
- Undergraduate:
- Principles and methods of regionalization
- Geography of the world
- Geography of the settlements
- Geography of the local environment
- Thematic mapping
- Master studies:
- Characteristic regions on Earth
- Visualization of geography data
- PhD studies:
- Methodology and application of regional geographical research
- Contemporary urban processes in cities in transition
Selected references:
- Dalgleish, H., Bjelajac, D. 2022. Dark Sky Tourism. In Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bjelajac, D., Đerčan, B., Kovačić, S. 2021. Dark skies and dark screens as a precondition for astronomy tourism and general well-being. Information Technology & Tourism, 23(1), 19-43.
- Petrevska, B., Bjelajac, D., Djercan, B., 2021. Dark sky tourism: Prospects and challenges for North Macedonia. Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century, 4(1), 245-252.
- Bjelajac, D., Đerčan, B., Cimbaljević, M., Dunjić J. 2019. Can “smartization” of the cities help reduce light pollution? – case study Novi Sad (Serbia). 8th International Urban Geographies of post-communist States Conference. Belgrade, Serbia
- Bjelajac, D., Đerčan, B., Tovilović, S. 2019. Light pollution awareness assessment – case study Novi Sad (Serbia). 1st International conference on Environmental and Astronomical Light pollution. Poland, Krakow
- Miljković, Ð., Božić, S., Miljković, L., Marković, S. B., Lukić, T., Jovanović, M., Bjelajac, D., Vujičić, M., Vasiljević, Đ., Ristanović, B. 2018. Geosite Assessment Using Three Different Methods; a Comparative Study of the Krupaja and the Žagubica Springs–Hydrological Heritage of Serbia. Open Geosciences, 10(1), 192-208.
- Lukić, T., Bjelajac, D., Fitzsimmons, K. E., Marković, S. B., Basarin, B., Mlađan, D., Micić, T., Schaetzl, R.J., Gavrilov, M.B., Milanović, M., Sipos, G., Mezősi, G., Knežević-Lukić, N., Milinčić,M., Létal, A., Samardžić I. 2018. Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77(13), 519.
- Basarin, B., Lukić, T., Bjelajac, D., Micić, T., Stojićević, G., Stamenković, I., Đorđević, J., Đorđević, T., Matzarakis, A. 2018. Bioclimate and climate tourism conditions at Zlatibor Mountain (Western Serbia). Időjárás – Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service. 122 (3). 321.
- Bubalo-Živković, M., Lukić, T., Đerčan, B., Stojsavljević, R., Bjelajac, D., Ristanović, B., 2018, Thermal mineral waters of Vojvodina (Serbia) and the possibility of their use – a case study of the municipality of Kikinda. Collection of Papers – Faculty of Geography at the University of Belgrade, 66 (1), str. 53-70, UDC 628.036.4(497.113 Kikinda), doi:10.5937/zrgfub1866053B
- Bjelajac, D., Mesaroš, M., Schaetzl, R.J., B, Pavić, D., Micić T., Marković, R.S., Gavrilov, M.B., Perić, Z., Marković, S.B. 2016. Introducing the Loess Pyramid – and Unusual landform on the thick loess deposits of Vojvodina, Serbia. Geographica Pannonica 20 (1) 1-7
- Micić, T., Lukić, T., Đorđević, J., Basarin, B., Bjelajac, D., Hrnjak, I., Marković, S.B., Sakulski, D., Đerčan, B., Bubalo-Živković, M., Pavić, D., Lazić, L. 2014. Determination of Wind Energy Potential and its Implementation Concept for the Electricity Market in the Vojvodina Region (North Serbia) – an overview. Geographica Pannonica 18 (1), 6-17
- Bjelajac, D., Leščešen, I., Micić, T., Pantelić, M. 2013. Estimation of water quality of Sava River (Vojvodina, Serbia) in the period 2004-2011 using Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI). Geographica Pannonica 17 (4), 91-97
- Urban Observatory of Belgrade. UrbObsBel. PRISMA. Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
- “Twinkle twinkle little star” British Council. 2022. Cooperation with Oradio (Serbian Radio Television)
- IPA HUSRB project: “Enhancing Long Evolution of Cosmos-inspired Tourist Regional Attraction”. ELECTRA. 2021-23.
- “Contemporary problems and sustainability of urban settlements in Vojvodina” (142-451-2615/2021-01/2) Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina. Project manager: PhD Ivana Blešić
- “Fruška gora under the starry sea” Center for the Promotion of Science. 2021. Project manager: PhD Dajana Bjelajac
- Ecological supernova – popularization of the issue of light pollution in Serbia” Center for the Promotion of Science. 2021. Project manager: PhD Marina Pavlovic
- “Ecological supernova – popularization of the issue of light pollution in Vojvodina” Center for the Promotion of Science. 2020. Project manager: PhD Dajana Bjelajac
- “Anthropo-geographical and cultural values of Vojvodina Slovaks as a factor in the sustainability of national identity” (No. 142-451-2686/2018-01) Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of AP Vojvodina. Project manager: PhD Bojan Đerčan
- “Ethnic groups of Vojvodina in the 21st century – state and perspectives of sustainability” Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, no. 114-451-2539/2016-02. Project manager: PhD Tamara Lukić 2016-2019.