Place and date of birth: 19. 10. 1956. Karavukovo Title of qualification awarded: 1980. BSc; MSc 1992; 2004. PhD thesis – “Feathered game as part of the hunting and tourist offer of Vojvodina”
Phone: +381 21 485 2786 | e-mail: zoran.ristic@dgt.uns.ac.rs
Consultation dates::
Monday (08-10 h) and Tuesday (08-10h) – office 17, 2nd floor
Academic career:
- 2001.– assistant, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
- 2005. – assistant professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
- 2009. – associate professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
- 2016. – full professor, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Area of scientific research:
- Hunting and Hunting tourism (development of programs and projects)
- Game breeding, production and protection (projects’ and studies’ design)
- Planning in hunting (preparation of hunting bases, annual management plans)
- Phenomenology of game
- Game breeding and protection
- Hunting trophies
- Tourist arrangement of hunting grounds
- Biology and classification of game
- Contemporary trends in tourism
- Languages: Russian,
- Foreign study visits: Czech Republic 1997
- Determining the real growth of partridges in the hunting ground of the Hunting Association Bačka Topola, Hunting Association of Vojvodina,
- Determination of winter losses in partridges in Bačka Topola, Hunting Association of Vojvodina
- Determining the real growth of roe deer in hunting grounds of Vojvodina, Hunting Association of Vojvodina and Hunting Association of Serbia (experimental fields – hunting areas: Becej, Novi Becej, Novo Milosevo, Radojevo and Vojvoda Stepa),
- Percentage of survival of pheasants introduced into hunting grounds from artificial production, Hunting Association of Serbia,
- “Study of avian and other influenza viruses by molecular diagnostic techniques” one of the researchers on the project for 2006 and 2007. Research leader: Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine “Novi Sad”, Rumenački put 20, Novi Sad, funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of AP Vojvodina,
- Feasibility study “Reintroduction of deer game in the hunting ground of the National Park Fruška gora” for 2009 – 2010, Contractor: Faculty of Science – Novi Sad, Project participants: Department of Geography, Tourism and Hospitality and Department of Biology and Ecology, Project manager: Dr. Ristic A. Zoran
- Program for the development of hunting in hunting grounds of the Hunting Association of the Republic of Srpska from 2010 to 2020 (adopted at the Assembly of the Hunting Association of the Republic of Srpska on May 29, 2010 in Šamac), holder of the program Dr. Zoran A. Ristić,
- Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Novi Sad in Novi Sad, Project: “Monitoring the health of wildlife and the introduction of new biotechnological procedures in the detection of infectious and zoonotic agents – risk analysis for human, domestic and wild animals and contamination of the Environment “(Wild animal health monitoring and introduction of new biotechnology procedures in detection of infectious and zoonotic agents – risk analysis for human health, domestic and wild animal health and for environmental contamination), Project Manager: Dr. Tamaš Petrović, GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, Ministry of Science and Technological Development, project TR: 31084
- Provincial Secretary for Science and Technological Development, Project title: “Examination of the influence of egg selection and incubation factors on morphofunctional characteristics of embryonic and postnatal development in order to increase the viability of pheasant chickens”
- Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Novi Sad, Project title: “Determining the real growth and trophy structure of roe deer populations in hunting grounds of Vojvodina”, contract number: 104-401-2378 / 2012-05-2-1, 2013
- Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Novi Sad, Bul. Mihajla Pupina no. 16 (donor): research holder Dr. Zoran A. Ristic for the project: “Determination of genetic traits, real growth, trophy structure and spatial distribution of roe deer populations in hunting grounds of Vojvodina”, contract number: 104-401-4099 / 2013-07-2b -1, 2014
- Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Novi Sad, Bul. Mihajla Pupina no. 16 (donor): research holder Dr. Zoran A. Ristic for the project: “Determination of genetic traits, real growth, trophy structure and spatial distribution of roe deer populations in hunting grounds of Vojvodina” – second research year, contract number: 104-401-4099 / 2013 -07-2b-1, 2015
- Potkonjak, A., Vračar, V., Stančić, I., Spasojević Kosić Lj,, Bacić D., Cincović M., Toholj B., Stevančević O., Ristić Z. (2014): Occurrence Of Bartonella Henselae, Felv And Fiv Infection In 60 Stray Cats From Serbia, Acta Veterinaria-Beograd 2014, 64 (3),
- Tešanović, D., Kalenjuk, B., Tešanović, D., Psodorov, Đ., Ristić, , Marković, V. (2011): Changes of biochemical and sensory characteristics in the musculus longissimus dorsi of the fallow deer in the early phase post-mortem and during maturation, African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.10 (55), pp. 11668-11675
- Ristić, Z., Marković, , Barović, V., Vasiljević, Dj. (2012): Loss Calculation Model of Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus Pall) and its Application in the Hunting Grounds of Vojvodina Region (North Serbia) PJZ-644-11 Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 44 (1), pp. 1-5,
- Ristić, Z, Marković, , Kovačević, M., Nađ, I., Matejević, M., Jovanović, T. (2013): The Significance of Egg Shell Color on the Pheasant Hatching Production Results, Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 45(6), pp. 1549-1553,
- Marković , Klauco M., Stankov U., Jovanovic T., Ristic Z. (2014): Evaluation of Human Impact on the Land Cover Through Landscape Metrics: Nature Park “Sargan – Mokra Gora” (Serbia) (Article),Vol. 16., Rocznika Ochrona Srodowiska (2014), vol. 16 br. , str. 52-73
- Marković V, Vasiljević, Dj., Jovanovic T., Lukic,, Vujicic, M., Kovacevic, M., Ristić, Z., Markovic, S., Ristanovic, B., Sakulski, D. (2017): The Effect Of Natural And Human-Induced Habitat Conditions On Number Of Roe Deer: Case Study Of Vojvodina, Serbia, Acta geographica Slovenica,,Vol 57, broj 2, pp 57-69
- Stefanovic M., Karaiskou N., Velickovic N., Kovacevic M., Ristic, Z., Djan M. (2019): Spatial Genetic Analysis of Roe Deer from the Northern Serbian Province of Vojvodina (Article), GENETIKA-BELGRADE, (2019), vol. 51 br. 3, str. 1127-1138
- Kovacevic M, Markovic V., Ponjiger, I., Ristic, Z., Matejevic, M., Stojsavljevic, R., Stamenkovic I. (2019): Evaluation of Vegetation as a Habitat Factor in Hunting Ground Based on Satellite Images, Rocznik Ochrona Srodowiska, (2019), vol. 21 br. 1, str. 85-97
- Urošević, M., Drobnjak, D., Končakov, D.,Ristić, Z.,Furi, M., Matarugić, D., Yusuf, O., Matejević, M. Basic Exterior Characteristics of Body and Head in Bulgarian Scent Hound, Veterinarski glasnik, 68(5-6), p.339-347, (2014),
- Urošević, M., Urošević, M., Drobnjak, D., Ristić, Z., Matarugić, D. (2012): Povezanost parametara od estetske vrednosti za ocenjivanje parogova srndaća (Capreolus capreolus ), Agroznanje, vol. 13, br.2. 2012, str. 233-248, UDK: 639.111.12.04/.05 DOI: 10.7251 /AGRSR1202233U, University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Agricultura,
- Urošević, M., Matarugić, D, Drobnjak, D., Ristić, Z, Urošević, M (2012): Lovni fond i njegovo korišćenje u Republici Srpskoj, Agroznanje, vol. 13, br. 3. 2012, str. 491-499, , University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Agricultura,