Teacher of foreign language

Dejan Knežević


A short biography:

Time and place of birth: 22.08.1967, Bjelovar, Croatia
Enrolled at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb in 1988, the Department of German studies / History of art. Graduated in 1996, at the Department of German language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad.


Consultations: Foreign languages office (1st floor)

Academic titles:

Since 1998, the academic title of lecturer/teacher of foreign language at the Department of Geography, tourism and hotel management.

Scientific research field:

  • Hunting tourism


  • German language 1 (A1)
  • German language 2 (A2)
  • German language 3 (B1) 
  • Foreign language / German language

Other important information

Specialization abroad:
Study visit to the Humboldt University in Berlin in 1989 and the University of Augsburg in 1990.