dr Svetlana Vukosav



Date and place of birth: 05.07.1977. Vinkovci, Republic of Croatia.
She graduated in 2002. She defended her master’s thesis in the field of tourism in 2006. In July 2010, she defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Adaptation of the hotel product of Vojvodina to modern tendencies in tourism”.


Tel: +381 21 485-2848 | e:mail: cecamobr@yahoo.com

Consultation dates: Tuesday 10.00-11.30h and Thursday 10.30-12.00h GIS 3, 1st floor


  • 2002 – 2006 – Teaching Associate at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel management, Faculty of Science in Novi Sad
  • 2006 – 2011 – Assistant at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel management, Faculty of Science in Novi Sad
  • 2011 – 2017 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel management, Faculty of Science in Novi Sad
  • 2017 – 2022 – Associate Professor at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel management, Faculty of Science in Novi Sad
  • 2022 – Full professor at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel management, Faculty of Science in Novi Sad

Field of scientific research:

  • Hotel management
  • Management in tourism
  • Strategic management in tourism and hospitality
  • Hotel economics


  • Management in tourism and hospitality
  • Strategic management of tourism and hospitality companies
  • Hotel economics
  • Global trends in international hospitality

Other important information:

Foreign languages: English

Selected references

  1. Tepavčević, J., Blešić, I., Petrović, M. D., Vukosav, S., Bradić, M., Garača, V., … & Lukić, D. (2021). Personality traits that affect travel intentions during pandemic COVID-19: The case study of Serbia. Sustainability13(22), 12845.
  2. Čerović, S., Blešić, I., Tepavčević, J., Vukosav, S., Garača, V., & Bradić, M. (2020). The influence of heavy work investment on work outcomes in the hospitality industry in Serbia. Amfiteatru Economic22(14), 1243-1264.
  3. Đeri, L., Armenski, T.,Tešanović, D.,Bradić, M., Vukosav, S., (2014), Consumer Behavior:Influence of Place of Resident on Decision-Making Process when Choosing a tourism Destination. Ekonomska istraživanja – Economic Research, Vol.27., No.1, pp.267-279.
  4. Garača, V., Jovanović, G., Ćurčić, N., Vukosav, S. (2015), Spatial Planning for Transit Tourism on the Highway: A Case Study of Highway E-75 Through Vojvodina (Horgoš – Belgrade Section). Transylvaninan Review of Administrative Sciences, vol 44, pp. 126-143.
  5. Bradić, M., Kosar, Lj., Đeri, L., Vukosav, S., Garača, V. (2017), Eco-labeling of Accomodation Facilities and its perception by rural Tourists: Case Study of Vojvodina, Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, Vol. LXIV Nº1 (1-404), pp. 205-221.
  6. Vukosav, S.  & Ćurčić, N. (2013), The role of the hotel industry in the economic and regional development of Vojvodina, Geographica Timisiensis, vol.XXII , No. 2., pp. 65-73
  7. Vukosav, S., Ćurčić, N., Garača, V., Čerović, S., Curaković, D. (2014), Strategic Management of Hotel Companies: Case Study of Hotel Companies in Vojvodina (Serbia), Journal of Tourism – studies and research in tourism, 18, pp. 16-22.
  8. Vukosav, S., Ćurčić, N., Garača, V. (2012), Strategic adaptation of hotel companies in Vojvodina to modern tendencies in tourism, Thematic collection of papers from the seventh scientific conference with international participation, September 20-22, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 391-396.
  9. Vukosav, S., Garača, V., Bradić, M. (2018), Analyses of regulations regarding accommodation facilities categorisation in rural tourism in Serbia, Economics of agriculture, 65(2), pp. 769-786.
  10. Vukosav, S., Walrabenstein, K., Bradić, M., Garača, V. (2020), Hotel-product perceived quality: Acase study of city hotels in Vojvodina (Serbia) – a factor analysis, Теме, Vol. 44/1, pp. 267-
  11. Garača, V., Bradić, M., & Vukosav, S. (2019), The state, planning and arrangement of the Almaški region in Novi Sad in the function of tourism development, Architecture and Urbanism, 48, pp. 19-27.
  12. Garača, V., Vukosav, S.,Ćurčić, N., Bradić, M. (2018), The importance of prices in tourism industry: The impact of growth of prices of hospitality services on the domestic tourism demand, Proceedings – Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, no.66-1, pp. 5-20.
  13. Garača, V., Vukosav, S.,Stamenković, I., Bradić, M., (2019), Мodelling of tourism region: Сase of novi sad gravitational zone, Turizam, 23(4), pp.178-189.