Kratka biografija:
Datum i mesto rođenja: 02.01.1995. Sombor, Srbija
Osnovne akademske studije zavšila je 2018. godine, a naredne 2019. godine, brani master rad na temu: „Percepcija ličnosti destinacije i emocionalnog doživljaja grada Novog Sada od strane turista“ i stiče zvanje Master menadžer (turizam). Iste godine, upisuje doktorske akademske studije Doktor nauka – geonauke (turizam) na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.
Imejl: ivana.sagovnovic@gmail.com; ivana.sagovnovic@dgt.uns.ac.rs
Termini konsultacija: Dogovoriti se putem imejla.
- 2023. – istraživač saradnik
Oblast naučnog istraživanja:
- Turizam
- Psihologija u turizmu
- Brendiranje turističke destinacije
Osnovne studije:
- Kongresni turizam
Ostale važne informacije:
- Stipendija Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja (2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017)
- Stipendija Fonda za mlade talente Republike Srbije – Dositeja (2017/2018, 2018/2019)
- Stipendija Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja – za studente doktorskih akademskih studija (2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023)
Strani jezici: engleski jezik, španski jezik
Učešće na projektima:
- Immersive Technologies for Cross-Cultural Tourism Development: U.S. and Serbia on a Pathway to Digital Transformation, University Partnership Program (FY2022), SRB10022FO002.
- COST Action CA22122 – Rethinking the Blue Economy: Socio-Ecological Impacts and Opportunities (Rethink Blue).
Odabrane reference:
- Šagovnović, I., Kovačić, S., Kurež, B., Tretyakova, T.N., & Syromiatnikova, Y.A. (2023). Getting closely attached to it: The role of destination personality and emotional experience in tourists’ attachment to a tourist destination. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration. Advance online publication.
- Kovačić, S., & Šagovnović, I. (2023). Exploring the Relationship Between Tourists’ Emotional Experience, Destination Personality Perception, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions. Psihologija, 56(3), 371-398.
- Šagovnović, I., Kovačić, S., & Jovanović, T. (2023, October 26-28). Unpacking destination conspicuousness – Investigating its antecedents and consequences [Conference presentation abstract]. Current Trends in Psychology 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Šagovnović, I., Pivac, T., & Kovačić, S. (2022). Examining antecedents of residents’ support for the European Capital of Culture project – event’s sustainability perception, emotional solidarity, community attachment and brand trust. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 13(2), 182-202.
- Šagovnović, I., & Kovačić, S. (2022). Predicting travel motivation with personality and personal values – The roles of Big Five plus Honesty/Humility personality traits and Kahle’s Values. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 24(4), 614-643.
- Šagovnović, I., Stamenković, I., & Demonja, D. (2022). Thinking green when at a tourism destination? The effect of tourists’ sociodemographic characteristics in predicting the perception of green packaging and branding, eco-friendly attitudes and behaviour. Sociologija i prostor, 60(1), 89-109.
- Šagovnović, I., & Stamenković, I. (2022). Investigating value of green marketing tools in predicting tourists’ eco-friendly attitudes and behavior. Journal of Ecotourism, 22(4), 479-501.
- Šagovnović, I., & Kovačić, S. (2021). Influence of tourists’ sociodemographic characteristics on their perception of destination personality and emotional experiences of a city break destination. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 7(1), 200-223.
- Kovačić, S., Vujičić, M.D., Čikić, J., Šagovnović, I., Stankov, U., & Zelenović Vasiljević, T. (2021). Impact of the European Capital of Culture project on the image of the city of Novi Sad – The perception of the local community. Turizam, 25(2), 96-109.
- Kovačić, S., Jovanović, T., & Šagovnović, I. (2019). Exploring the gap in destination image and destination personality perception between tourists and stakeholders: Case of Roman heritage sites in Serbia. Turizam, 23(3), 133-144.