Kratka biografija:
Datum i mesto rođenja: 05.07.1977. Vinkovci, Republika Hrvatska
Diplomirala 2002. godine. Magistrasku tezu iz oblasti turizma odbranila 2006. godine. Doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom ,Prilagođavanje hotelskog proizvoda Vojvodine savremenim tendencijama u turizmu’ odbranila je jula 2010.godine.
tel: +381 21 485-2848 | email:
Termini konsultacija: utorak 10.00-11.30h i četvrtak 10.30-12.00h GIS 3, I sprat
- 2002-2006 saradnik u nastavi na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF-a u Novom Sadu
- 2006-2011 asistent na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF-a u Novom Sadu
- 2011-2017 docent na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF-a u Novom Sadu
- 2017 – 2022 vanredni profesor na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, PMF-a u Novom Sadu
- 2022 – redovni profesor
Oblast naučnog istraživanja
- Menadžment u hotelijerstvu
- Menadžment u turizmu i hotelijerstvu
- Strategijski menadžment u turizmu i hotelijersvu
- Ekonomika hotelijerstva
- Menadžment u turizmu
- Strategijski menadžment turističko-ugostiteljskih preduzeća
- Ekonomika hotelijerstva
- Globalne tendencije u međunarodnom hotelijerstvu
Ostale važne informacije:
Strani jezici: engleski
Odabrane reference
Selected references
- Tepavčević, J., Blešić, I., Petrović, M. D., Vukosav, S., Bradić, M., Garača, V., … & Lukić, D. (2021). Personality traits that affect travel intentions during pandemic COVID-19: The case study of Serbia. Sustainability, 13(22), 12845.
- Čerović, S., Blešić, I., Tepavčević, J., Vukosav, S., Garača, V., & Bradić, M. (2020). The influence of heavy work investment on work outcomes in the hospitality industry in Serbia. Amfiteatru Economic, 22(14), 1243-1264.
- Đeri, L., Armenski, T.,Tešanović, D.,Bradić, M., Vukosav, S., (2014), Consumer Behavior:Influence of Place of Resident on Decision-Making Process when Choosing a tourism Destination. Ekonomska istraživanja – Economic Research, Vol.27., No.1, pp.267-279.
- Garača, V., Jovanović, G., Ćurčić, N., Vukosav, S. (2015), Spatial Planning for Transit Tourism on the Highway: A Case Study of Highway E-75 Through Vojvodina (Horgoš – Belgrade Section). Transylvaninan Review of Administrative Sciences, vol 44, pp. 126-143.
- Bradić, M., Kosar, Lj., Đeri, L., Vukosav, S., Garača, V. (2017), Eco-labeling of Accomodation Facilities and its perception by rural Tourists: Case Study of Vojvodina, Ekonomika Poljoprivrede, Vol. LXIV Nº1 (1-404), pp. 205-221.
- Vukosav, S. & Ćurčić, N. (2013), The role of the hotel industry in the economic and regional development of Vojvodina, Geographica Timisiensis, vol.XXII , No. 2., pp. 65-73
- Vukosav, S., Ćurčić, N., Garača, V., Čerović, S., Curaković, D. (2014), Strategic Management of Hotel Companies: Case Study of Hotel Companies in Vojvodina (Serbia), Journal of Tourism – studies and research in tourism, 18, pp. 16-22.
- Vukosav, S., Ćurčić, N., Garača, V. (2012), Strategic adaptation of hotel companies in Vojvodina to modern tendencies in tourism, Thematic collection of papers from the seventh scientific conference with international participation, September 20-22, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 391-396.
- Vukosav, S., Garača, V., Bradić, M. (2018), Analyses of regulations regarding accommodation facilities categorisation in rural tourism in Serbia, Economics of agriculture, 65(2), pp. 769-786.
- Vukosav, S., Walrabenstein, K., Bradić, M., Garača, V. (2020), Hotel-product perceived quality: Acase study of city hotels in Vojvodina (Serbia) – a factor analysis, Теме, Vol. 44/1, pp. 267-
- Garača, V., Bradić, M., & Vukosav, S. (2019), The state, planning and arrangement of the Almaški region in Novi Sad in the function of tourism development, Architecture and Urbanism, 48, pp. 19-27.
- Garača, V., Vukosav, S.,Ćurčić, N., Bradić, M. (2018), The importance of prices in tourism industry: The impact of growth of prices of hospitality services on the domestic tourism demand, Proceedings – Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, no.66-1, pp. 5-20.
- Garača, V., Vukosav, S.,Stamenković, I., Bradić, M., (2019), Мodelling of tourism region: Сase of novi sad gravitational zone, Turizam, 23(4), pp.178-189.