Turizam Volume 22, Issue 1-1



Authors: Mária Bihuňová

Abstract: Rural tourism is still not effectively developed in Slovakia. Tere are documents and activities of nongovernmental organisations that promote the countryside, culture, agricultural activities, the uniqueness of the landscape but they are not systemic and without strong legal background. In the southern part of Slovakia – Te Danube Lowland – is rich with natural, cultural and architectural sites, thermal springs, possibilities for water tourism in the river Small Danube, and places for agro tourism, etc. Te development of the region supports the character of the terrain and appropriate conditions for modest cycling. Te Environmental Education Centre (EEC) Dropie – an educational organization of the Slovak Environmental Agency in Zemianska Olča is a unique site providing recreational and educational activities, with the possibility to spend overnights in the centre. It is the biggest environmental centre in Slovakia and it is aimed (except the issues regarding natural protection) at the education and promotion of the bustard (Otis tarda) one of the heaviest flying birds in the world. Tis bird has a territory of the natural occurrence along the border between Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. Te EEC Dropie is situated in the agricultural land, characterized by large-scale block felds, surrounded by Special Protection Area of the Island Meadows and the NATURA 2000 site. Te students of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering were invited to create landscape architectural designs for the centre focusing on easier and demonstrative outdoor education for the public and especially children

Keywords:environmental education, design of educational gardens, landscape architecture, rural tourism, Slovakia

DOI: 10.5937/22-17510

Article info: 1-9

Received: March 2018 | Accepted: April 2018

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