Turizam Volume 20, Issue 1-1


Authors: Tomás López-Guzmán, José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón, Elide di Clemente

Abstract: Gastronomy is emerging as one of the key elements for the development and promotion of tourist destinations, also having a positive influence both on increasing overnight stays as in the enhancement of primary sector of a certain geographic area. The methodology used to carry out this research study was based on the realization of a fieldwork with the objective of getting to know the tourist profile visiting the city of Cáceres, Spain and its feedback and motivations regarding gastronomy. The results of this research show the important relationship between culture and gastronomy and point out how cultural destinations can enhance visitor satisfaction through the promotion of its cuisine. The findings of this research point to the importance of gastronomy in the satisfaction of tourists visiting the city of Cáceres. Thus an enhancement of the same would, consequently, determine higher tourist satisfaction. This paper can contribute to the analysis of gastronomic tourism in Europe, contributing as a key element, in addition to the high level of response from tourists, the fact that surveys have been conducted at the restaurants themselves when the traveler was having lunch or dinner.

Keywords: Gastronomic traveller, cultural tourism, tourism attraction, Cáceres, Spain.

DOI: 10.18421/TRZ20.01-01

Article info: 1-11

Received:March 2014 | Accepted: December 2015

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