Date and place of birth: 22.09.1996. Bijeljina.
Graduated in 2019 with a final thesis on the topic “Application of GIS in the assessment of the impact of the hydropower plant “Bajina Bašta” on the development of the municipality of Bajina Bašta”. In the same year, Dajana enrolled in master’s studies, majoring in Geography – Geoinformatics. She defended her Master’s degree in 2020 on the topic “Application of GIS in the valorization of the risk of landslides on the infrastructure corridor Niš-border with North Macedonia”. Since October 2020, she is a PhD student in the field of Doctor of Science – Earth Sciences (Geography).
Tel: 021/485-2842
Email: dajanatesic2@gmail.com, dajanat@dgt.uns.ac.rs
- 2021.– Junior Researcher
Area of scientific research
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Natural disasters and hazards
- Spatial Planning
- Renewable energy
- Introduction to scientific work
- GIS software
- Application of GIS in state administration
- Application of GIS in spatial planning
- Geographical bases of spatial planning
Other important information:
- Knowledge of foreign languages: English, German, Spanish
Participation in projects:
„ Turističko vrednovanje prirodnog i kulturnog nasleđa Vojvodine “ 142-451-2655/2021-01/2, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, AP Vojvodina, Serbia.
- 2015 – Society of Young Researchers “Branislav Bukurov”
- 2019 – Non-governmental organization “Carpe Noctem”
- 2021 – GIS Association of Serbia
- 2021 – European Geographical Association for Geography Students (EGEA)