Short biography:
- Date and place of birth: 06th December, 1987, Bačka Topola, Serbia
- Bachelor thesis: „The Origin, Development, and Disappearance of Serbian Medieval Towns”, 2010 at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, UNS, Novi
Sad - Master thesis: “Geographical Problems of Settlements in the Municipality of Kraljevo in the Ibar Valley”, 2011 at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, UNS, Novi Sad
- Doctoral dissertation: “Detection and Analysis of Climate Regions in Serbia”, 2015 at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, UNS, Novi Sad
- Tel: +381 21 485 28 39
E-mail: rastislav.stojsavljevic@dgt.uns.ac.rs, ralegeo87@yahoo.com - Consutations: Monday from 15 p.m. to 16 p.m. and Tuesday from 9 to 10 a.m. Office 10.
Academic positions:
- Associate Professor, 2022-, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, UNS, Novi Sad
- Assistant Professor, 2017 – 2022, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, UNS, Novi Sad
- Assistant, 2014 – 2017, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, UNS, Novi Sad
- Teaching assistant, 2011-2024 , Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management,
UNS, Novi Sad
Area of interest:
- Regional Geography
- Regional Climatology
- History
- Historical Geography
- Bachelor
o Regional Geography of Asia and Africa
o Regional Geography of America and Australia
o Tourist Regions of the World
o Tourist Regions of Serbia
Other important information:
- Foreign languages: English
- Members in professionaln and scientific associations
o Serbian Geographical Society (2009-)
o Member of the Regional Association ‘Dalmatia’ from Subotica
o President of the Society of Young Researchers ‘Branislav Bukurov'” (2010)
Selected references:
- Đerčan, B., Lukić, T., Bubalo-Živković, M., Đurđev, B., Stojsavljević, R., Pantelić, M. 2012. Possibility of efficient utilization of wood waste as a renewable energy resource in
Serbia, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 1516-1527. 10.1016/j.rser.2011.10.017 - Stojsavljević, R., Plavša, J., Bubalo Živković, M., Lukić, T., Đerčan, B., Garača, V., Tomić N. 2013. Ethnic characteristics of Serbian orthodox peasants at the beginning of the
20th century from Vrlica region, North Dalmatia, Croatia. European Researcher, 39 (1-2), 118-127. - Lukić, T., Ristanović, B., Jovanović, G., Mesaroš, M., Đerčan, Đ., & Stojsavljević, R. (2012). The problem of delimitation in mountain regions: The example of the Goč Mountain. Analele Ştiintifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, 58(2), 23-38.
- Lukić, T., Stojsavljević, R., Đurđev, B., Nađ, I., & Đerčan, B. (2012). Depopulation in the Western Balkan countries. European Journal of Geography, 3(2), 6-23.
- Stojsavljević, R., Pantelić, M., & Stojanović, V. (2011). Analiza ugroženosti stanja životne sredine u dolini Temštice. Zbornik radova Geografskog fakulteta u Beogradu, 59,
109-130. - Đerčan, B., Lukić, T., & Stojsavljević, R. (2011). Religious structure in the border area of Banat, Vojvodina, Serbia. Geographica Timisiensis, 20(2), 85-98.
- Stojsavljević, R., Đurđev, B., & Đerčan, B. (2011). Serbian medieval urban settlements. Geographica Pannonica, 15(3), 90-102.
- Stojsavljević, R., Vujičić, M., Đerčan, B., & Đurđev, B. (2010). Serbian medieval towns and their tourist potentials. Geographica Timisiensis, 19(1), 189-196.
Selected projects:
- “Facing the Challenges of Depopulation in Vojvodina” Project No. 114-451-2644/2012-01 funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, AP Vojvodina, Serbia. Project leader: Dr. Branislav Đurđev.
- “Transformations of the Geospatial Area of Serbia – Past, Contemporary Issues, and Proposed Solutions” Project No. OI 176020 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science
of the Republic of Serbia. Project leader: Dr. Slobodan Marković. - SEERISK Project No. SEE/C/0002/2.2/X funded by the EU. First partner: National Sector for Emergency Situations. Project leader for UNSPMF: Dr. Imre Nađ.
- “Demographic Problems of Smaller Ethnic Groups in Vojvodina” Project No. 114-451-3938/2013-02 funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological
Development of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. - “Ethnic Groups in Vojvodina in the 21st Century – Status and Sustainability Perspectives” Project No. 114-451-2539/2016-02 funded by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and
Technological Development, AP Vojvodina, Serbia. Project leader: Dr. Tamara Lukić