Abstract Submission
Instructions to Authors
Please mind the important dates and deadlines in order to successfully register and participate the conference.
Conference abstracts are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of up to 350 words (not including authors' names and affiliations!) written in MS Word and corresponding to one of the conference themes should be submitted until indicated dates to official email: ctth.dgth@gmail.com
Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the research, which must include:
- Title
- Full author(s) name(s)
- Full author(s) affiliation(s)
- Email address of corresponding author
- Abstract (300 - 350 words)
- Indicate the conference session
Abstracts should be submitted by using this template:
Download template for writing and formating abstracts
NOTE: One person should not be author/coauthor at more than two abstracts.
Oral presentation instructions
Oral presentations should be prepared in Microsoft Power Point and should not exceed 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure to transfer presentation on time to members of Organisational Board upon your arrival. Please use the following template to create your presentation:
Download template for PowerPoint presentation
IMPORTANT: Registration ! ! !
After your abstract(s) is accepted, you will be asked to fill in the Registration Form in order to provide Organisation Board certain additional information regarding your attendance.
Co-authors that intend to participate the conference are also obliged to register!