Publication Opportunities

All abstracts will be published in the Abstract book (hard copy) and on the official web site of the conference. Except this, we provided special issue for full papers in the Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism:

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism offers a dedicated outlet for research relevant to social sciences and natural resources. The journal publishes peer reviewed original research on all aspects of outdoor recreation planning and management, covering the entire spectrum of settings from wilderness to urban outdoor recreation opportunities. It also focuses on new products and findings in nature based tourism and park management.. For further information please visit the journal's official website »

Also, special issue will be provided for MMV participants in the following journals:

ISJ Geographica Pannonica

International Scientific Journal Geographica Pannonica aims to publish research papers primarily focused on various geographical fields regarding European continent, with particular reference on Pannonian region. For all MMV 8 participants, editorial board has given the opportunity to publish your papers in the special issue related to monitoring and management of visitors in natural and recreational areas. For further information please visit the journal's official website »

ISJ Turizam

International Scientific Journal Turizam was first published in 1997 at the Institute of Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad. It has been published annually ever since. Conceptual framework of the journal is oriented towards contemporary trends in tourism, hotel management and gastronomy. For all MMV 8 participants, editorial board has given the opportunity to publish your papers in the special issue related to monitoring and management of visitors from the aspects tourism. For further information please visit the journal's official website »

Scientific journal Tims.Acta

Scientific journal Tims.Acta is an official academic publication of the Faculty of Sport and Tourism founded in 2007. Twice a year it publishes the original scientific and professional papers and reviews by national and international authors in the fields of or corresponding with sport, health and tourism. Tims.Acta is available in electronic form on the official Faculty website, as well as in Repository of the National Library of Serbia.