Publication Opportunities

All abstracts will be published in Abstract book (hard copy) and on the official web site of the conference.

Full papers will be published in soft copy (CDs shared to all participants and many relevant organisations) with both ISSN and ISBN and also be available online thrgough the official web site of the CTTH.
You can find instructions to authors here »

Except this, best papers will be published in special issues of International Scientific Journals – Geographica Pannonica and Turizam:

International Scientific Journal Geographica Pannonica

ISJ Geographica Pannonica aims to publish research papers primarily focused on Geography of European continent, but also deals with subjects related to other geographic issues. The Journal's main goal is publishing papers in different geographical fields, such as: Physical Geography (Geology, Geomorphology, Climatology, Hydrology and Pedology), Human Geography (Demography, Urban Geography, Economic Geography, Social Geography, Political Geography, Environmental Geography, Spatial Planning, Geographic Information Systems-GIS)R, Regional Geography and Tourism.
For further information please visit the journal's official website ».

International Scientific Journal Turizam

ISJ Turizam was first published in 1997 at the Institute of Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad. It has been published annually ever since. Conceptual framework of the journal is oriented towards contemporary trends in tourism, hotel management and gastronomy. Since its early issues, journal “Turizam” has had an international Editorial Board, whose members have been mostly professionals in tourism, hotel management and gastronomy fields from neighbouring countries where those fields were given high priority. The main goal of the Editorial Board is to achieve high position for our journal within categorization of scientific journals as well as to increase its impact among scientific publications.
For further information please visit the journal's official website ».