Datum i mesto rođenja: 27. 3. 2000. Vrbas
Kratka biografija:
Diplomirala 2023. godine sa temom Oscilacije dnevnih maksimalnih temperatura vazduha u Novom Sadu od 2006. do 2020. godine na Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Master odbranila 2024. godine sa temom Razvoj istraživanja „lokalnih klimatskih zona” u urbanim sredinama Evrope kada i stiče zvanje Master profesor geografije.
e-mail: milica.vasic@dgt.uns.ac.rs
- 2024 – istraživač pripravnik
- urbana klima, lokalne klimatske zone, urbana životna sredina, mikroklima
Strani jezici: engleski
Članstvo u organizacijama:
- International Society of Biometeorology – ISB
- Društvo mladih istraživača „Branislav Bukurov”
- Nagrada za najbolje studente opštine Vrbas za 2022/2023. godinu
- Stipendija Republike Srbije za školsku 2022/2023. godinu
- Stipendija „Dositeja” Fonda za mlade talente 2023/2024
Odabrani projekti:
- COST Action: FAIR NEtwork of micrometeorological measurements – FAIRNESS, no. CA20108, 2021-2025.
- IPA CROSRB project: Creating energy and environment conditions for greener and sustainable Croatia-Serbia cross-border region – CREATEGREEN (ID: HR-RS00158), 2024-2026.
- IPA CROSRB project: Interactive climate-service system – Use of green infrastructures and online toolkit for better adaptation and resilience to the hazards of climate change in the Croatia-Serbia cross border region – INTERCLIM (ID: HR-RS00094), 2024-2027.
- Vasić, M., Milošević, D., Savić, S., Bjelajac, D., Arsenović, D., &; Dunjić, J. (2022). Micrometeorological measurements and biometeorological survey in different urban settings of Novi Sad (Serbia). Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 102(2), 45-66.
- Đurđević, D., Vasić, M., Ogrin, M., Savić, S., Milošević, D., Dunjić, J., … &; Mitrović, L. (2023). Long-Term Assessment of Bioclimatic Conditions at Micro and Local Scales inthe Cities of the Western Part of the Balkan Peninsula during the 21st Century Sustainability, 15(21), 15286.
- Vasić, M., Savic, S., Milovanovic, B., Dunjić, J., &; Milosevic, D. (2023). Micro-scale variability of thermal conditions within local climate zones during summer in Belgrade, Serbia. International Conference on Hydro-Climate Extremes and Society, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Đurđević, D., Vasić, M., &; Milošević, D. (2023). Micro- and local-scales long-term assessments of bioclimate conditions over the cities in the Balkan Peninsula. International Conference on Hydro-Climate Extremes andSociety, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Savić, S., Dunjić, J., Secerov, I., Milosevic, D., Arsenovic, D., &; Vasić, M. (2023). Using mobile microclimate monitoring platforms in urban and non-urban surroundings. Conference on Hydro-Climate Extremes and Society, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Dunjić, J., Stojanović, V., Milošević, D., Pantelić, M., Obradović, S., &; Vasić, M. (2024). Bioclimate Conditions in Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve –Case Study from Serbia. Idojaras.
- Vasić, M., Dunjić, J., Savić, S., Arsenović, D., & Šećerov, I. (2024). Application of local climate zones: Interdisciplinary uses and climate adaptability in local community. Abstract presented at the International conference Geospatial and Environmental Dynamics: Between Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Savić, S., Dunjić, J., Šećerov, I., Arsenović, D., & Vasić, M. (2024). The role of urban microclimate monitoring in interdisciplinary research and climate change adaptation actions. Abstract presented at the International conference Geospatial and Environmental Dynamics: Between Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Savić, S., Milovanović, B., Dunjić, J., Arsenović, D., Vasić, M., Šećerov, I. (2024) Istraživanje mikroklimatskih termalnih uslova u različitim urbanizovanim prostorima: studije slučaja iz odabranih gradova u Jugoistočnoj Evropi. VI Kongres geografa Srbije: Kuda ide geografija? Zlatibor, Srbija.
- Vasić, M., Savic, S., &; Dunjić, J. (2024). Using microclimate monitoring platforms in the assessment of urban thermal issues. 35th International Geographical Congress, Dublin, Ireland.